How To Make Sigils And Bind Runes


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What Are Sigils And Bind Runes?

Sigils and bindrunes are similar but different ways of using handmade symbols in your daily life and rituals for love, protection, abundance, manifestation, luck, money, and more. Basically, whatever you want to highlight with the power of your intention, you can make a sigil or bindrune for.

They are written symbols that you either create yourself from scratch, in the case of sigils, or create using a combination of existing runes, in the case of bind runes. They are said to amplify and compound the power and energy of runes or whatever manifestation intention you’re working on.

Runic binds are rare in the Viking Age but more common in earlier Proto-Norse and later medieval inscriptions. They were usually traditionally made to denote the artist’s name or include a hidden code, as well as for the reasons stated above such as magic protection although this was rarer.

A famous example of a bindrune is the Bluetooth symbol which is a combination of the Younger Futhark Hagalaz ᚼ (hail) rune and Berkana ᛒ (birth/creation) rune. Read on to find out how to make your own sigils and bind runes to help infuse a little bit of extra magic into your practices!


How To Make A Sigil

Sigils are popularly used by contemporary witches in their witchcraft when doing so-called chaos magic, which relies more on the outcome rather than the ritual (there are books talking about sigils more in depth if you’re interested). A sigil can be written on a piece of paper and then burned, buried, or kept on you in your pocket or special pouch depending on what your intention for making it is.

You can also carve it into candles for spell work, use it on seals, or engrave it onto any other item you like. This is a more popular choice with people compared to bindrunes for when you have a specific mantra, affirmation, or intention that you’d like to work with. Here’s how to make one:

1. To start with, write down your intention in a positive, affirmative way on a piece of paper, such as:


2. Then, cross out any vowels any repeating letters. In the case above, this would leave you with the letters:


3. Next, the creative fun part begins! Experiment with writing these letters together until you find a compounded symbol that you like the look of and is aesthetically pleasing to you, such as the two options in the image below below.

4. Use your sigils in any way you choose. As mentioned, one of the most popular ways is to burn your sigil with a candle and tweezers over a fire proof bowl (filled with water if you like) and envision your intention having already come true as it burns.

When it’s finished burning, flush it down the toilet, sink, or drain, or bury the ash (and water) outside in you garden or in a plant pot and watch your seeds of intention grow! Blow out the candle when you are done and thank the elements, Mother Nature, Guardian Angels etc for you blessings.

If you’d like to incorporate all the elements, you can light some incense, diffuse essential oils, and/or smoke cleanse yourself and your space before or after to add in the Air element as well. Bonus points for performing this ritual on a Full or New Moon!

Two Wander - I Am Abundant Sigil

How To Make A Bindrune

Runes are an old Norse method of divination that was also used as good luck amulets and protection talismans. They consist of 24 runic alphabet letters (in the case of the oldest language, the Elder Futhark runes), that were inscribed onto pieces of wood or stone and “cast” (thrown) onto a cloth then read to forecast the future.

In the case of charms, they were carried or placed around the home. Nowadays, they are also popularly engraved on crystals and selected from a pouch to lay out in “spreads” for a reading similar to Tarot, whereby you will be connecting to your intuition.

To learn more about the ancient mysteries and secrets of the rune, get our Complete Runes Guide Book For Heightened Intuition!

To make a bindrune, the runes used can simply be selected by the ones that appeal to you most either on an instinctive, visual level, or by looking up their meaning and intentionally selecting the ones that resonate with what you’d like to call in, and then, similar to sigils, simply combine them in different ways with pen and paper until you are satisfied with the outcome.

You can pick just a couple and lay them all on top of each other (like the Bluetooth symbol) or use several at a time, stack them in a line, or use them in a radial pattern (as pictured in the image below). Because each rune also corresponds to a letter, you can also use them to spell something out. They can then be used in a similar way to sigils to add another layer to your ritual work, or place them around your home where you’ll see them for a bit of a manifestation boost.

[If you’d like to access the secrets of the Rune Stones for yourself, book in a personalised Rune Reading!]

Two Wander - How To Make A Bind Rune

So that’s a brief overview on how to make sigils and bind runes to add a little bit of the magical into your life. I’d love to know how you get on with them if you try them out in the comments section below! Or, if you have any other insights about them to add, let me know :)

Learn more about the meaning of runes in our post here, or about other divination practices in our guide on the link between Tarot and Numerology and our cheat sheet on How Astrology and Tarot Correspond.

Or, connect with the Rune Stones yourself and let’s channel their wisdom together in a personalised Rune Reading!