What Your North Node And South Node Mean

Two Wander - What Your North Node And South Node Mean

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What Your North And South Node Mean

The Lunar Nodes are not physical objects in the sky but rather a place in space where the Sun and Moon cross paths on their elliptical orbits from our vantage point on Earth. It’s the reason why we get a New Moon (when they are “conjunct” in the same Zodiac Sign) and a Full Moon (when they are opposing each other, so the Full Moon always occurs in the opposite Sign of the current Zodiac Season).

When the Sun and Moon are aligned on the Nodes during a New or Full Moon, we have the opportunity for a Lunar or Solar Eclipse, which happens roughly 3-4 times a year.

Read on for more information about what the Nodes represent in each Zodiac Sign and how this relates to your North and South Node personally:

Two Wander - North And South Nodes

What Is The North Node?

Also known as Rahu or the Dragon’s Head, this is symbolically said to represent where you are destined on your path in life to grow and expand to, a place of hungry desire. It’s where you can look to for aspects of your character that are not yet fully developed or that perhaps may come less naturally.

Looking at where your own North Node is in your Natal Chart can help give you clues and insight about new areas of your life you can develop in. It will require us to step out of our comfort zone but the rewards we reap in return can be worth it.

Of course beyond this, which Houses the Nodes are in also reveals something else.

We also go through periods of collective North/South Nodal placements, whereby the Moon and Sun seemingly join paths in their orbit in a specific Zodiac Sign, that lasts roughly about 18 months for each Sign.

When the Nodes transit a Sign Axis, we can generally expect to see an increase in those themes collectively.


What Is The South Node?

The South Node represents the Dragon’s Tail, Ketu, and the areas in which we are naturally comfortable in, the paradigms we usually operate from. The South Node in our Chart can show us Zodiacal characteristics we are familiar with and may naturally default to. It can also be seen as a lessening (the South Node in the 2nd House for example can feel like money slips through our fingers).

Generally the South Node reveals what we are tasked with leaving behind as it is said to be a place where we won’t find the most growth and are invited to move more towards our North Node characteristics instead.

Collectively, when the South Node is in a Zodiac Sign, we may see more of the negative manifestations of that Sign.

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What The Zodiac Nodes Mean

It is important to know the characteristics of both polarities in the North/South Nodal dynamic so we can see how to effectively integrate these two energies of the same coin that may present themselves in our characters.

Here are what the Nodes in each Zodiac axis means:

Aries North Node - Libra South Node

If your North Node is in Aries, this means that you may need to work on becoming more of a leader, stepping into your “Emperor” self and moving away from putting everybody’s needs above your own and not speaking up for yourself- it doesn’t have to be disagreeable to disagree- in fact, it is often through conflict that we grow.

With the South Node in Libra you may be comfortable always taking the middle road, using tact and finding diplomacy, but sometimes if all we do is compromise then we may not be achieving what is truly best for us.

Taurus North Node - Scorpio South Node

With your North Node in Taurus you are being called to step into a more robust money mindset and to indulge in the luxuries of life that are naturally on offer all around us. Take the time to pleasure yourself in whatever way your body calls for. You may be comfortable spending time in your emotions and working with your intuition, but this must also be assimilated with somatic work. Our bodies are our natural compass, they are wise beyond what we sometimes give them credit for- learn to stop and listen to it, put your feet on the ground in the here and now from time to time.

The South Node in Scorpio may be comfortable with depth and intimacy, but could do with focussing on the physical, as opposed to the metaphysical, from time to time.

Gemini North Node - Sagittarius South Node in

If your North Node is in Gemini you are being called to embrace communication, self-expression, flexibility, openness, curiosity, and becoming at home in your immediate environment and neighbourhood. You may be comfortable discussing grand philosophical ideals and galavanting around the world, but this also needs to be tempered with tending to your smaller social circle and minutiae of details, it’s through all the mundane daily interactions and, yes, even small talk, that the richest tapestry of life is truly woven.

The South Node in Sagittarius may default to dogma and over-optimism, sometimes facts, data, and proof are necessary!

Cancer North Node - Capricorn South Node

With the North Node in Cancer your quest is to uncover how to truly nourish yourself and those around you, to become the archetype mother figure and nurture your internal and external home. What wounds have you tried to “logic” away, when do you try to think yourself out of your feelings?

With your South Node in Capricorn you may be more comfortable with stoicism and a stiff upper life, but your North Node in Cancer is asking you step out of your head and into your body. What does your heart want to do today? What does your inner child need right now? How can you reparent yourself, and perhaps, in turn, those around you as well?

Leo North Node - Aquarius South Node

If your North Node is in Leo you are being called to bravely roar your roar, step into the limelight that deserves to be shone upon you, embrace your childish joy, play, laugh, love and give mightily of yourself! You may be more at home with group think or working as part of a team, constantly thinking about the greater good or working towards a common goal, but your North Node in Leo is asking you to regally wear your own crown and flaunt it. How can you learn to thrive in being the centre of attention?

The South Node in Aquarius may default to be a loner and standing apart, over-intellectualising emotions, or working with a level of detachment. It’s OK to have flair.

Virgo North Node - Pisces South Node

With your North Node in Virgo it means that your task is to learn how to properly take care of yourself in the way that you and your body need to thrive with your daily home and work tasks and routines. Step into your analytical self and practice more concrete planning for your future, aim for perfect but be comfortable knowing that it doesn’t exist. Crucially: set boundaries.

With the South Node in Pisces your default realm may be one of going with the flow, living in the dreamy, ethereal, “what will be, will be” realms, but your path is asking you to integrate both these sides into your life. Purge what no longer serves you, if you don’t like where you’re at then make a conscious and active change, take charge.

Libra North Node - Aries South Node

If you have your North Node in Libra your task is to look for more harmony in your relationships and learn how to compromise. Find the beauty in everything and everyone, we all have a truth to tell, and all of them are as equally beautiful and true as the other. The North Node in Libra is learning how to be in partnership and truly rely on another.

With the South Node in Aries you may tend to operate from a “my way or the highway” attitude or default to taking a leadership role in all that you do, but there is great medicine to be found in listening to others- a wise man once said nothing, as they say. Where can you look for more balance in your life? You don’t have to do it all, it’s OK to ask for help.

Scorpio North Node - Taurus South Node

With your North Node in Scorpio you are being called to explore the subterranean of your depths, spend time contemplating life’s bigger mysteries, explore what your true purpose could be- what are your deepest desires? Avoid the small talk and chit chat and get straight to the heart of the matter, really listen to others and learn to open up and comprehend people on a soul-level. Experiment with the occult and your spirituality, practice honing in on your intuition, your North Node is calling you to live a little less in the superficial layers of your body and spend more time in your infinite heart, ineffably wise gut instincts, your darkest abysses, and highest self.

The South Node in Taurus may default to focussing on the material and physical, get a little woo.

Sagittarius North Node - Gemini South Node

If you have your North Node in Sagittarius you are being invited to expand your worldview, explore other cultures, religions, philosophies, beliefs and ways of life. Travel to new and unusual destinations, explore the corners of your being and embody your most expansive, optimistic side. Tap into your spirituality.

With your South Node in Gemini you may be very comfortable at home, in your neighbourhood or community, town, or country but you are being called to open up to new thought patterns, beliefs, and way of living. You might also thrive in social settings but rarely give yourself the chance to make deeper connections, to yourself and others. Let yourself believe. Not everything has proof.

Capricorn North Node - Cancer South Node

With your North Node in Capricorn your mission is to learn how to stand tall in your structure, enter your most self-assured, consistent and determined side. Dedicate yourself to a long and worthwhile capacity to stick with something through to the end no matter what- you owe it to yourself to set healthy boundaries and work on making the great strides you desire in the world. Step out and step into your leadership role, learn to take the reins, plan, and strategise for the future while asserting your needs and taking up the space that is rightfully yours to take in the world.

With your South Node in Cancer you may be comfortable at home, nurturing others, being safe in your protective shell, but now you are being called to wilfully experience some discomfort and delayed gratitude in order to persevere with something meaningful for your future self.

Aquarius North Node - Leo South Node

If your North Node is in Aquarius, you are being directed to use your unique, innovative, forward-thinking capabilities for the greater good and harness your place in the collective. Embrace duality, learn to be a willing member of the ensemble cast, nourish, feel, and revel in the deep and secure joy that comes from laying your roots and building a community around you. The North Node in Aquarius is calling you to carve out your own independent path, get weird.

With your South Node in Leo you may be at ease operating for your best and highest interest, as well as stepping into the spotlight and taking the lead, but you will truly thrive when you learn to understand what it means to rise by lifting others, and recognising that we are the sum of those around us. We can go the furthest together, human beings are the perfect metaphor for “iron sharpens iron”- it is through other people that we are sharpened. What is your place in the world, how are you contributing to the greater good, what will your legacy be? These are all questions to help you form the soul community around you and your place in it that will truly allow you to thrive.

Pisces North Node - Virgo South Node

If you have your North Node in Pisces it could indicate that you are being called to embrace your spirituality, to learn to go with the flow, explore the deep oceanic depths of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience, revel in allowing your mind to wander, carrying you off into your most distant dreams.

With your South Node in Virgo you may default to analysing, and perhaps criticising or judging, everything and anything you come into contact with. You may also be more than comfortable preparing and planning your daily routines and habits but leave little wiggle room for spontaneity, allow Divine timing and synchronicity to take place. With these placements, you may access your North Node by allowing your whims, emotions, and flights of fancy to dictate your life from time to time. Our emotions are great teachers- what are they trying to tell you?

If you would like to learn more about the Zodiac Signs, check out how our post on How To Read Your Birth Chart for more information!

Two Wander - How To Read Your Birth Chart

So that’s what your North and South Node in Astrology mean and how you can integrate them into your life for greater understanding, empathy, and growth. Let me know if these resonate with you in the comments section below!

To learn more about the Zodiac Signs, check out our post on what the Zodiac Sign characteristics are.

Or, are you ready to dive in deep into the enlightening world of Astrology? Invest in our Cosmic Guidance: Traditional Astrology 101 Course or our Complete Astrology + Natal Chart Guidebook now!

If you’d prefer me to uncover the secrets of the cosmos for you directly, book yourself in for a personalised Natal Chart reading!