The Meaning Of Numerology In Tarot


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Numerology In Tarot

Numerology is a fascinating branch of the esoteric world that has roots in many ancient cultures, from Arabic to Indian, and, one of the most popular today, Chaldean (Babylonian) Numerology. Numerology is the study of numbers and repeating patterns which can be found in many facets of nature (such as the Fibonacci sequence or golden ratio).

Many people find great insight in analysing their birthday or name numerology to help understand their so-called life path number, “soul purpose number”, and more. You can also use it to deepen your knowledge of Astrology, Kabbalah, their intertwinement with each other, and beyond.

Numerology is heavily tied into the imagery of the Tarot, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn used its influence for the creation of the most famous Tarot deck currently in use today, designed by Pamela Colman Smith (the Smith Rider Waite deck).

Read on below to learn about how you can use the Tarot card meanings alongside Numerology to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Tarot:

Two Wander - Numerology in Tarot

Tarot Numerology

Numerology in Tarot largely goes off of the Chaldean Order, and is highly relevant in the 22 Major Arcana cards and the 40 Minor Arcana cards from 1-10 (the “pips”). The remaining 16 court cards are sometimes reduced to single-digits or left out altogether- for example, the Queens would technically be number 12 which would reduce to 3 (1+2) and so on. The Aces are representative of the number 1 and the double-digit Major Arcana Tarot card numbers are also usually reduced to single digits.

Here are the general meanings of the Numerology in the Tarot card numbers:

  • The meaning of 0 - Infinite

    One of the most illusive numbers, it is thought to have possibly been first “invented” by the Mesopotamians in the year 3 B.C, before this it was inconceivable. How can we quantify the void? The number 0 represents the sum of everything and nothing, it is wholly inclusive and full of unlimited potential. The cyclical nature of the symbol 0 is a reminder of the never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings.

  • It is often counted as The Fool card of the Major Arcana (although in older traditions the Fool sometimes came at the end of the Major Arcana as card number 22). If you pull this in a Tarot reading it is an invitation to boldly step off into the unknown, safe in the knowledge that you have infinite possibilities available to you.

  • Meaning of the number 1 - Ideation

    The number 1 in Numerology is seen as the essence of all possibility, the potential for creation and manifestation, as well as individuation, focus and vision. It is how we take the untapped opportunities from the number 0 and transform them into something tangible. Again, this is visible in the symbol 1 which can be seen as bringing down the divine into manifest reality.

  • This is, fittingly, the Major Arcana card The Magician, as well as all the Aces, again very aligned, and the Wheel of Fortune card reduced from 10, also indicative of new beginnings, as well as the Sun card reduced from 19- we create our version of joy.

  • The meaning of the number 2 - Duality

    The meaning of the number 2 in Numerology represents partnership, cooperation, and the art of balance. In Tarot, they also represent a collaboration and perhaps necessity in consolidating opposing forces. Here is where the self encounters the other, visible in the Roman numerals II, a reflection and mirror of self.

  • It is Major Arcana card The High Priestess, all the 2s (Two of Wands, Two of Swords, Two of Cups, and Two of Pentacles), and all the Pages (if it resonates with you to reduce them from 11). It is also the Justice card reduced from number 11 (however, the number 11 is also what is called a “master number” in Numerology), and the Judgement card reduced from 20, things are rarely black and white.

  • Meaning of the number 3 - Creation

    The number 3 represents creation, birth, harmony, development, collaboration, optimism, and blossoming. Three is considered a very magic number in many traditions, this is where the power of two can create a third, representative of the saying the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The first shape to be created with the least lines is a triangle; Maiden-Mother-Crone; the Holy Trinity.

  • Number three is the Empress card, the Mother of all creation; all the Minor Arcana 3s, and the Knights reduce from 12. It is also the Hanged Man reduced from 12 and the World card reduced from 21.

  • Meaning of the number 4 - Stability

    The number four is indicative of strong foundations, structure, and consistency. In a Tarot spread, it represents a security, control, and stability. Four represents physical reality: the four Seasons, four Elements, for Cardinal Directions, it is a grounded, practical, realistic number.

  • It is the Emperor card, all the 4s (Four of Wands, Four of Cups, Four of Swords, Four of Pentacles), and the Queens. It is also the Death card reduced from 13.

Two Wander - Numerology in Tarot
  • Meaning of the number 5 - Change

    The number 5 in Numerology reflects the relationship between creation and destruction. Sometimes we have to breakdown to breakthrough. When it appears in Tarot readings it usually indicates confusion, conflict, disruption, and chaos, it can also lead to a rebuilding of something newer and better, a veil being lifted, and growth out of our comfort zone. This is the contraction before the expansion and is correlated to the fifth Element, Spirit, as well as the five senses.

  • It is the Hierophant card, all the 5s (Five of Wands, Five of Cups, Five of Swords, Five of Pentacles), the Kings, and the Temperance card reduced.

  • The meaning of the number 6 - Harmony

    The meaning of the number 6 is of cooperation, harmony, nurturance, nostalgia, positivity, belonging, and love. A Tarot reader can expect much of the same when the 6s are pulled. The number six is seen as a sweet, balanced card, the first multiple of 3 and the sum of its preceding numbers (1+2+3 = 6).

  • It is the Lovers card, all the 6s (Six of Wands, Six of Cups, Six of Swords, Six of Pentacles), and the Devil card reduced.

  • Meaning of the number 7 - Growth

    The number 7 is often seen as a number of growth, spiritual questioning, perseverance, and realignment. It can be seen in the seven days of the week, seven colours of the rainbow, seven Chakras, and the seven Classical Planets.

  • It is the Major Arcana card of the Chariot, all the 7s of the suits (Seven of Wands, Seven of Cups, Seven of Swords, Seven of Pentacles), and the Tower reduced.

  • Meaning of the number 8 - Achievement

    The number eight is a unique one, in Chinese culture it is seen as extremely positive and lucky, in Chaldean Numerology, and many others, it is also one of abundance and success. But in Tarot, it can also indicate a difficulty, challenge, or fast-paced activity. Through this, we can emerge transformed and become more masterful of our skills, emotions, receive greater awareness of our triggers etc; thus is a merging of the two interpretations.

  • Although the 8s in Tarot can represent some kind of hardship, they are always succeeded with a personal triumph and growth, or at the very least some kind of respite and satisfaction in the knowledge of our accomplishment. It is also, of course, an upright lemniscate! It is the Strength card, all the 8s (Eight of Wands, Eight of Cups, Eight of Swords, Eight of Pentacles), and the Star reduced.

  • Meaning of the number 9 - Culmination

    The number 9 is often seen as an intensely powerful and mystical number (such as with Viking Norse culture and runes). It is seen as a culmination point, a bountiful number that represents surrender, expansion, and attainment. Nine is the last of the single digits before we begin to then reduce all subsequent numbers, and is threes 3, especially powerful!

  • It is the Hermit card, all the 9s (Nine of Wands, Nine of Cups, Nine of Swords, Nine of Pentacles), and the Moon card reduced.

  • Meaning of the number 10 - Completion

    In Tarot, the 10s are the number of completion, finalisation, simultaneous endings and subsequent beginnings, and final cycles. Although generally in Numerology the number 10 will be reduced to the number 1 (1+0), when receiving it in Tarot spreads, it signifies that we have completed some kind of cycle and lesson within that suit. Visually, here the individual, 1, meets the infinite potential, 0.

  • It is the Wheel of Fortune card and all the 10s (Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, Ten of Swords, and Ten of Pentacles), as well as the Sun card before being reduced again.

To learn more about the world of Tarot, enrol in my Intuitive Tarot Course!


The Hierophant Card

So, in light of this, what does the card of 2021 (2+0+2+1=5) The Hierophant, mean? A universal year five means that we are due for unexpected changes (especially emphasised with the much discussed Saturn-Uranus squares taking place in February, June, and December in finance-ruling Taurus and forward-thinking Aquarius that will be the defining energies for the year).

Following this train of thought, we may need to break down even further in order to breakthrough. What this signifies, though, is that beautiful breakthroughs will eventually take place and we can rebuild from the ashes a truer, more durable structure that upholds and supports us more strongly from the ground up.

A universal year 5 holds a progressive, adventurous and free-spirited energy, inviting us to ask where we need to make changes. It can also be seen as encompassing the midway point in a 9-year cycle and so can also be seen as an important pivotal turning point.

In Tarot, the number 5 card, the Hierophant, is the card of tradition, religion, spirituality, as well as conformity and hierarchy. It can also blend into teaching and dogma. Together, we can take this to mean as: where in our life have we placed too much power into the hands of our so-called teachers, where can we reclaim our spiritual development into our own hands, how can we be our own teachers, and how can we relate our wisdom to the rest of the world in turn in a non-dogmatic way? It also encourages us to shine our unique light and not be afraid to break free from the mould or shrink in order to conform.

A universal number 5 year paired with the Hierophant Tarot card indicates that we could project these questions out to the society at large and those who are ultimately in charge- are they working for our best interest? To best harness these energies personally we can remain flexible, keep our eyes open for opportunities, keep our brash impulsiveness in check, build on self-serving discipline, and embrace change. It can also be as an invitation to build our own spiritual practice and deepen our learnings about our inner world.


So that’s the role of numerology in Tarot and what a Hierophant Tarot card for 2021 means! I’m curious if you’ve ever looked into numerology before and what has your journey with it been? Let me know in the comments section below :)

To read a full list of free Tarot card meanings, check out our cheat sheet on A Complete List of Tarot Meanings, or for more tips on working with your cards- read our 9 Simple Ways to Cleanse Your Tarot Card Deck.

If you’re interested in deepening your cosmic insight instead, check out our Beginner’s Guide to Astrology!

*If you want me to channel the wisdom of the cards for you directly, book yourself in for a personalised Tarot Reading and let’s access the secrets they have to tell you!