How To Use Color Magic


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How To Use Color Magic

How To Use Color Magic: Colour has been an important component ritualistically, magickally, and ceremonially most likely since close to the dawn of homosapiens, pigment was first created at least 40,000 years ago! Ancient Egyptian makeup has been found dating back as far back as 6000BCE and royalty was adorned according to a variety of cultural significance. Different colors were chosen for different holidays and events, and of course is still a defining feature of branding today.

Psychologically, colour has been shown to have demonstrable affects on our mood. Calming blues and greens are used in hospitals (as opposed to blood red!) for a reason! It also features strongly in Feng Shui and in crystal meanings.

Part of the Planetary associations were developed using their perceived colour (along with myths, archetypes, and observation). Mars twinkles red and so is assigned as the Warrior God, Ares, denoting typically fiery activities such as anger and passion. In spell work, colour is often essential. One of the most popular ways is to use it with candle magic.

Read on for the different color associations and to learn more about how to use colour magick:


How To Do Colour Magick

Some colors are instinctive- yellow is the colour of sunlight and when we wear yellow generally it is considered a “happy” colour. While every culture will assign different meanings to different colours (white being associated with funerals and mourning in the Middle East whereas in the West it is black, for example), and there is also some overlap between colours, there are also some general agreed upon themes. You can also make your own color associations!

As Sarah Potter points out, there are differences in modern or traditional correspondences, for example red roses are considered the most romantic whereas traditionally it was more a colour of war. Here is an overview to get you started on your search:

Color Meanings

Red - Power, passion, love, anger, desire, strength, courage. This is assigned to the Root Chakra and the Planet Mars, “seeing red” is a classic indicator!

Yellow - Spirituality, learning, joy, fun, friendliness, memory, focus, confidence. It is the Solar Plexus Chakra and sometimes representative of the Sun or Mercury.

Orange - Vitality, health, sensuality, abundance, creativity. It is the Sacral Chakra and sometimes assigned to the Sun (along with red and gold) or Mercury.

Green - Healthy, prosperity, wealth, abundance, generosity, love, growth, nourishment, nature, healing, fertility. This is the Heart Chakra and the Planet Venus traditionally (its metal, copper, turns this colour).

Blue - Truth, honesty, learning, teaching, intellectual ability, philosophy, clarity. This is the Throat Chakra and the colour of Jupiter. While it is a generally calming colour, the phrase “feeling blue” also hints to its potential melancholy.

Purple - Spirituality, religion, royalty, wisdom, luxury, intuition, veneration, knowledge. This is the Third Eye Chakra and the colour of Jupiter.

Pink - Fun, romance, love, friendship. This is a less traditional colour and thus does not have either a Chakra association nor Planetary correspondence although modernly it is sometimes assigned to Venus (femininity)?

White - Cleansing, purifying, transcendence, this is an excellent catchall colour- when you don’t have the colour required for a spell or Planetary altar, for example, white (or clear for crystals etc.) can be substituted for almost anything. This is attributed to the Crown Chakra (although sometimes purple and white are inverted with the Third Eye Chakra), and the Moon.

Black - Protection and banishing. This is the ultimate protective colour, if you would like a protective crystal to remove negativity, black is the go-to. It is also often attributed to Saturn.

Brown - Earth, grounding, protection, growth, nurturance, stability. This is another colour of Saturn.

Grey - Serenity, nondescript. Attributed to Saturn and sometimes the Moon if more of a milky beige or silver.

How To Use Color Magic

Planetary veneration - One of my favourite ways, as each Planet has a corresponding day (Moon = Monday, Mars = Tuesday, Mercury = Wednesday, Jupiter = Thursday, Venus = Friday, Saturn = Saturday, Sun = Sunday), a simple way to connect to the Planets is to wear their colours on their day! This is especially useful if you are doing Astrological magic or ritual work, or would like to invoke their characteristics. So on Monday you could wear creams and silver for flow, on Tuesday you could wear red for action, on Wednesday you could wear orange/yellow (or multicolours!) for creativity; on Thursday we can wear blue or purple for learning and teaching, on Friday you can wear green for love (date night!), on Saturday you can wear brown/black/grey for protection, and on Sunday you can wear yellow, orange, or gold for confidence.

Altars - When creating any type of altar (to the Planets, ancestors, seasons, or an intention), we can enhance its power with colour. This can look like a green cloth for a money altar or green candles for a Venus altar. Rather than a full-blown altar, colours are often used in the home consciously (such as with Feng Shui) or unconsciously (many of us would prefer a neutral bedroom for restful sleep than black or red). This can also be used in an item or objects, or plants/flowers/herbs/incense or essential oil, such as lavender for intuition, or orange crystals for creativity etc.

Clothes - A type of glamour magick, you can wear colours to suit/boost your mood or intention. This is something I think most of us will already do at least to some level with our personal style! When we want to feel more confident and in our power, perhaps attract attention, we can wear red. If we want to protect ourselves and blend into the background, we can wear black. To uplift our mood and give us a “sunny” disposition we can wear yellow; to get the creative juices flowing we can wear orange. For spiritual work we can wear blue or purple, sometimes white; and to get grounded we can wear brown. The same goes for your makeup or accessories!

Spell work - The use of colour is extremely popular and common in spell work. This can be in the use of crystals (black/brown for protection or grounding, green for money or luck, pink or red for love etc.), or in the choice of pen and paper if writing. Candles are also particularly used (and often required!), this is again when white can come in handy as a substitute if we do not have 6 orange candles (the number of the Sun) or a black candle for protection for example. As this is also highly personal, each witch will attribute their own associations based on their value and tradition.

Visualisation - Another one of my favourite ways to work with colour, whenever I need to tap into the essence of its symbolism- I envision it enveloping me in a bubble of light. This can also be used as a grounding root meditation (which you will have experienced if you have done any Ritual Workshops with me!) or cord cutting. I also like to use a Chakra colour visualisation- simply imagine each colour as a glowing orb on the corresponding Chakra as you place your hands on each body part.

We interface with colour so much in our day-to-day life, the options are endless really! Another simple way I like to incorporate all the colours is by hanging a Feng Shui crystal in the window for the full spectrum of light. What is relevant and available to your surroundings can also play a part- the colours your might favour in New York might be different to those in Santorini, for example! On a mundane level, it can even feature in the text colour you choose for a work document.


So that’s an overview of how to use color magick, I hope it’s useful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any other questions.

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