How To Work With Astrological Magic


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How To Work With Astrological Magic

Working with Astrological magic is a way to invoke the Planetary energy into a talisman, amulet, or other materia for their correspondences; as Planetary remediation if we have afflicted Planets in our Natal Chart; or as a way to connect to the energy of a Planet and align with its associated meanings.

It can be a powerful way to formulate a relationship with the Planets and support the fullest expression of your Natal Chart, as well as your own magic. Read on for how to work with Astrological magic:


What Is Planetary Magic?

Astrology, magic and alchemy are the three occult Hermetic sciences, all three are an interconnected practice that form the foundation of Hermetic philosophy.

Much of what we use in Western Astrological magic comes from the work of Arabic magical text, the Picatrix, formulated around 1000 BCE. From here, Cornelius Agrippa made many contributions used today in their Three Books of Occult Philosophy published in 1533, which also draws upon Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and neo-Platonism.

Astrological magic is primarily used to create talismans and amulets or other Astrological magical materia, as Planetary remediation for afflicted Planets in the Natal Chart, and also simply for Planetary veneration and connection or to invoke their auspicious correspondences. You can also use it for assistance during a difficult transit!

The creation of a talisman may also take into account the condition of the current and/or Natal Planets including the decans, the Planetary day and hour, the Mansions of the Moon, and potentially the Fixed Stars.

For example, if you would like more self-assurance and visibility you can work with the Sun and solar associations, for psychic development or home matters you can work with the Moon, for love you can work with Venus, for communication and self-expression you can work with Mercury, for energy and courage you can work with Mars, for abundance and wisdom you can work with Jupiter, and for structure or protection you can work with Saturn.

Bear in mind that Mars and Saturn are also malefics, before invoking them it can be wise to get comfortable with their nature in your Chart. While Saturn can be more challenging for Night Chart, it can become more constructive post-Saturn Return, and Mars can pose more challenges for Day Charts. As with all the Planets, it also of course depends on their essential dignities, House placement, and aspects. For example, if you have Mars in Taurus in a Day Chart, remediation may be beneficial. Similarly if you have Jupiter in a Night Chart in Gemini in the 8th House, it can be useful to support it!

While it can take much experience to cast a sufficiently auspicious Electional Chart and do the necessary formalised ritual to craft an effective Astrological talisman, amulet, or magical materia- Sphere + Sundry is an amazing place to purchase them directly!


A simpler way to connect to the Planets yourself is with Planetary remediations for a Natal Planet that is debilitated in some way (such as those in the 6th, 8th, or 12th Houses or afflicted by the malefics) or that you would like to support or connect with. This can be done by creating a Planetary altar, engaging in Planetary-related activities, or donating to relevant charities. You can do so on its Planetary Day and Hour using its associated colours, herbs, stones, metals, numbers, and/or objects.

This can also be done in a combination, such as donating to a charity for the elderly on 3 consecutive Saturdays during its Planetary hour in multiples of 3 in honour of Saturn (or 3 times of $9). Then you can dress in brown and light a black candle (or white can always be used as a stand in), perform a purification and protection ritual on your home, assemble an altar, and dedicate to a disciplined devotional practice before going to feed crows and slow-cooking bone broth. Or it can be just one of these things.

An offering made to a Planet generally at least includes something to eat and drink, a candle, and perhaps some incense or essential oils, as well as any other fitting objects suggested below or that seem appropriate to you. You can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, generally the intention is most important as well as consistency- you are looking to build a relationship, and that takes time.

You can also invoke the Planets using the Orphic Hymns if you like:

Here are some of their Astrological correspondences:


Its day is Sunday. Its colours are orange and yellow, and its metal is gold. Its number 6, symbol of harmony (or 36). Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are sunflowers, calendula, cinnamon, saffron, bay laurel, clove, and marigolds. Its crystals are citrine, carnelian, amber, and tigers eye. Charities associated with the Sun are those for fathers or children. Altar suggestions include solar deities, cider, honey, sunflower seeds, orange juice, and images of the sun or felines. Related activities are those where we are seen and shining bright, being creative, and playful, as well as watching the sunrise or set. Bonfires, dancing, sun salutations, and sunbathing are also more modernly associated.


Its day is Mo(o)nday. Its colours is white and its metal is silver. Its number is 9, or 81. Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are sage, aloe vera, chamomile, lily, lotus, poppy, willow, jasmine, myrrh, eucalyptus, cucumbers. Its crystals include opal, selenite, moonstone, amethyst, pearl, and diamond. Charities associated with the Moon are those for women and mothers. Altar suggestions include sweet things, milk, shells, seafood, and things that feel comforting or nurturing. Related activities are those that feel nourishing and supportive to us and that connect us to our intuition, baths, gathering with women, and being creative.


Its day is Wednesday. Its colours are yellow and multicolours, its metal is quicksilver/mercury. Its number is 8, or 64. Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are mint, honeysuckle, lemongrass, and lavender. Its crystals are fluorite, agate, and jasper. Charities associated with Mercury include those for learning, education, and communication. Altar suggestions include things in pairs, wings, books, sweetened coffee, sweets and chocolate, adaptogens, and coins. Related activities are public speaking, reading, writing, business, self-expression, singing, learning and meeting new people.



Its day is Friday (date night). Its colours are green, pink, and pastels (indicative of its ability to soften) and its metal is copper (which tarnishes green). Its number is 7, or 49. Its crystals are emerald, jade, and rose quartz. Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are almond, geranium, strawberry, roses, mugwort. Charities associated with Venus include those for women. Altar suggestions include sweet things such as cake and chocolate, berries, perfume, flower essences, jewellery, and mirrors. Its also associated with beauty, love, money, relationships, aesthetics, women, and fertility, activities include glamour magick and self-care.


Its day is Tuesday. Its colour is red and its metal is iron (the taste of blood). Its number is 5 (or 25). Its crystals are ruby, coral, and garnet. Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are chilli, ginger, black pepper, coriander, basil, cactus, and anything spicy or cutting. Charities associated with Mars are those for struggling men (such as mental health organisations) and war vets. Altar suggestions include blades, knives, or athames, spiky objects such as nails, hard liquors, tobacco. Related activities are sports, sex, being assertive, competitions.


Its day is Thursday, its colours are purple, blue, its metal is tin (or lead according to the Picatrix). Its number is 4 (like its glyph), or 16. Its crystal is lapis lazuli, sapphire, turquoise and amethyst. Associated plants, herbs, and flowers are rosemary, oak, chestnut, nutmeg, sandalwood, cedar, and frankincense. Charities associate with Jupiter include those for learning, teaching, wisdom, philosophy, religion, and spirituality. Altar suggestions include indulgent, richly flavoured things, champagne, meat, wine, whiskey, money and symbols of growth, expansion, and abundance. Activities include learning and teaching, spiritual retreats, and parties!


Its day is Satur(n)day. Its colours are brown, grey, and black, its metal is lead, the alchemical base metal. Its number is 3 (or 9). Its crystals are black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz, onyx, and hematite. Its planets, herbs, and flowers are patchouli, cypress, blackthorn, vetiver and belladonna. Charities include those for the elderly and homeless. You can also feed crows. Altar suggestions are simple and paired back, such as black coffee, dark liquour, clocks, and antiques. Other associations include bones, longevity, cycles of life and death, purification, protection, and banishment rituals.

As mentioned, your rituals can be as simple or as elaborate as you like, what’s most important is intention and dedication. You can even just wear their Planetary colours on their Planetary days, white on Monday, red on Tuesday and so on, perhaps lighting a candle or incense in their honour during their Planetary hours (there are many free apps to track this)! Search for ways that feel most natural to you.


So that’s a small window into how to work with Astrological magic, I hope it’s useful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any other questions.

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