Rituals For The New Moon And Full Moon

Two Wander - Rituals For the New Moon And Full Moon

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Rituals For The New Moon And Full Moon

Moon rituals have been performed across cultures for millennia. La Lune holds great spiritual and emotional importance for humans and is said to have an effect on our mental state, sleep, productivity, and more. Just like its gravitational pull affects the tides, it has long been believed that the moon can affect us too. For eons farmers have used her as guidance for when to plant and reap their harvest, as have hunters, fishermen and many others across the esoteric fields too.

All matter in the Universe emits an electromagnetic radiation, including humans (except for dark matter possibly), and just like we now know some of this radiation to be a wave, such as the light spectrum or radio waves, those who subscribe to the powers of the moon say that it, too, has its own tangible influence on us we just haven’t discovered how to measure yet.

Anecdotally, more babies are said to be born on full moons, and rates of insomnia and crime may increase as well, although no significant studies have ever proved this (some say it’s simply because of the increased light, while others think it’s the subtle fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field).

As a celestial body, the moon governs our emotions and yin side, dominating how we process and express what we feel. Different points of its cycle hold different energies and are best for different objectives, and so when used in conjunction, they form an excellent roadmap for manifestation. Read on below to find out what are some of the rituals you can perform on a new moon and full moon to add a little bit of magic into your life.

Two Wander - Rituals For The Full Moon And New Moon

Phases Of The Moon

There are 8 main phases of the lunar cycle, lasting in total 29.5 days (although a full orbit around the Earth takes 27.3 days). The moon cycles start with the new moon and culminate with the full moon roughly 2 weeks later, before starting afresh roughly 2 weeks after that. Aligning yourself with the different phases is a great way to bring an ancient connection to our modern life.

While the new moon and full moon often get the most attention (sometimes with the addition of the first and last quarter moon) because they are the most potent times of transformation, all of the phases hold their own energy- here are what they represent:

  1. New Moon

    In this moment, the sun and the moon are “in conjunction” in the sky, and so their energy is harmonised and amplified, and the moon appears invisible. When there is nothing to illuminate our night sky, it’s a time to turn inward. As such, new moons signify new beginnings and are a time for planting the fresh seeds of intention.

    Access our specialised New Moon Ritual for aligned magic!

  2. Waxing Crescent

    These following days are a time for anchoring your intentions and making any necessary plans of action while the ground is still fertile.

  3. First Quarter Moon

    When setting intentions, it’s important to nourish the seeds to ensure they flourish. Are you watering your garden enough? What are some weeds you can pull? The first quarter is when the sun and moon are at a 90 degree angle to each other, or in a “square off”. This can highlight any resistance you are facing and is the time for checking you are still on track and make any amendments.

  4. Waxing Gibbous

    The waxing gibbous phase is the time to settle in and get in the rhythm and flow of life, don’t force anything- just be. Additionally, before the culmination of the full moon, energy is high and you may have a little perspective on how your intentions are going- now is also the time to give any last bit of effort needed while honouring your energy levels.

  5. Full Moon

    This is a rich time of letting go and release. There is an intuitive and supportive energy in the air as Luna shines down with all her love- perfect for shedding that which no longer serves you. It’s also a time of rejoicing in gratitude and harvesting the abundance you have cultivated.

    For more magic, get our Full Moon Ritual Workshop!

  6. Waning Gibbous

    The waning gibbous phase is a final time for taking stock of what you are ready to release and embracing this dissolution, a little self-care goes a long way now.

  7. Last (Third) Quarter Moon

    At another square off, this is a time when limiting beliefs, frustration or impatience may arise- these triggers are teachers and signal where you can still do some work for the next cycle. Listen to your internal guidance and keep coming back to your intentions and that which you have already reaped.

  8. Waning Crescent

    The final phase of the cycle is the time of the month where we start to turn inward again and assess how the cycle for our intention went- is it something you still want to work on or are you ready to move on?

If you would like to connect with the energies of the Moon and your own personal journey within them, book in a New Moon or Full Moon Tarot Reading with me!

Although some intentions may manifest in one cycle, often, intention setting works on a 6-month cycle beginning at the new moon of a specific zodiac sign and completing at the corresponding full moon of the same zodiac sign. The moon passes through a different star sign roughly every 2.5 days, if you’d like some inspiration on which area of your life to focus on during the different phases, you can look up which constellation she is currently passing through. Check out our Beginner’s Guide To Astrology for more information!

Two Wander - Phases Of The Moon

How To Do A New Moon Ritual

Before beginning your rituals, it’s recommended to cleanse your space of any negativity energy and set the tone for something new you wish to call in. This can be done by smoke cleansing (make sure not appropriate endangered white sage or palo santo!), lighting some incense or candles, diffusing essential oils and/or playing some soothing music. You can perform your rituals inside or outside, as long as you pick an area where you won’t be disturbed.

Once you’re ready to start, take some deep, centring breaths and meditate on what you wish to gain out of your practice. You can also visualise a bright white light surrounding you and your space as a protection, and place any crystals you have around you (check out our guide on The Best Crystals For Beginners for some inspo).

New Moon Intentions Setting Ritual

  1. To create a sacred space to anchor your intentions throughout the cycle, you can set up an altar to act as a point of reference. This can be made with any objects or photos that represent the essence of your intent.

  2. When you are ready, write down your goals on a piece of paper and plant them in soil, either in your garden if you have one or in a plant pot.

  3. Next, write down your intentions as positive I AM affirmations, as if they have already occurred- really visualise yourself embodying these traits as you write them. Place this paper on your altar or somewhere you’ll regularly see it, such as on a mirror or in your wallet. It’s recommended to choose a maximum of 3 intentions to keep it manageable.

As with anything, it’s important to see things through. This is why working with all the phases will reap greater rewards. After you’ve performed your intention setting ritual, check-in at the first quarter to see if you have any friction in certain areas and that you’re still aligned!


Ritual For The Full Moon

This is the most fertile of times to do ritual work, and the most famous- with good reason! There’s something so magnetic and enticing about staring up at that glowing orb during her peak, she seems to hold so many secrets- if we get still and quiet enough, we can hear the whispers within us too. It’s the perfect time for feeling into the abundance all around us, expressing deep gratitude for the richness you already possess, and renewing ourselves like the phoenix from the ashes. If you have anything in your life you’d like to get rid of, now’s the time to do it.

Full Moon Releasing Ritual

  1. List any limiting beliefs you have about yourself, habits or other things you would like to let go of and (safely) burn them. As you watch the paper burn, feel those negative aspects disintegrating too and imagine what it feels like to be free of them.

  2. Once you’re done, run yourself a bath and fill it with any delicious things you like- sea salt, epsom salts, tea, crystals, maybe even some moon water you made in the previous phase. As you soak, envision your highest self and express gratitude for your new blessings. When you’re ready, visualise what you have just released going down the drain along with the water. Thank yourself, the water, your crystals, if any, and the moon for your rebirth.

As mentioned, often you’ll be working on longer cycles than a month, remember to continually asses your progress and give yourself plenty of TLC and space along your journey. If you’d like to take your self-exploration practice further with some journal prompts, or want some more ritual information, download our FREE Moon Phases + Rituals guide!

Two Wander - Ritual For The Full Moon

So those are some rituals you can perform for the new moon and full moon for abundance, manifestation, intention-setting, cleansing and releasing, gratitude and more! There’s really no right or wrong way to work with these energies, go with whatever your intuition tells you and commit to the outcome and you’ll be successful!

Do you do any other rituals? I’d love to hear about them below, or if you have anything else to add :)

To go a little bit deeper into the world of astrology, learn How To Read Your Natal Chart, or if you want to expand your intuition- read about how I use Tarot Cards For Self-Care.

If you’re interested in other forms of spiritual self-care, book in a personalised 1:1 Astrology Reading with me, or if you prefer to self study, check out our Cosmic Guidance: Traditional Astrology 101 Course or our Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook!

And for monthly Astrology and Tarot guidance along with other mystic magic, join me in the Spirit Subscription!