Two of Cups Meaning


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Two of Cups Meaning

The Two of Cups takes us on our first official step into this heart-centric suit, after the initial seeding of the Ace of Cups; as such it represents a blossoming of new relationships-to the self and others- a new creative endeavour, or an invitation to open up to new types of nurturance and wisdom from the heart.

Read on for more Two of Cups card meanings, including its full Tarot card description with Astrological and Numerological correspondences:


Significations of the Two of Cups Card

The Two of Cups Minor Arcana card is a reciprocal proposal, when we receive it we are being asked to remain receptive to fresh beginnings and partnerships that capture our heart. To be truly open to the spirit of collaboration.

The Two of Cups is a call to look at the world and our choices in it through the eyes of love, are the contracts you are entering into mutually beneficial?

Like a mini Lovers card, it can represent the blooming of an exciting romantic relationship, but it is also a reminder to check in with the decisions we are making and the agreements we enter into, whether passively or actively, in a general basis.

The Two of Cups is generally a welcome card when it appears and can even represent the start of a healing relationship with ourselves, as the Rod of Hermes (Caduceus) in the Pamela Colman Smith rendition shows- choose yourself first and foremost!

Numerologically as a 2, it represents duality and balance. After the singular figure of the 1, we now encounter the other, a reflection of ourself. How can we reconcile polarity?

This also connects it to the Major Arcana High Priestess card, seat of our sacred knowing and instinct- the heart has a wisdom beyond the mind!

Astrologically, it is a Venus is Cancer card. Venus is the Planet that aptly governs love, connection, desire, and relationships. Cancer is a nurturing, maternal archetype that deals with the home, family, and nourishment. Venus in Cancer speaks to a soft, tender-heartedness that seeks protection and safety of all loved ones, not just romantic. It is nostalgic, considerate, and caring.

In the Colman Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, I always note that the male-presenting figure on the right is the one initiating the exchange and reaching backwards (towards the past) for the cup of the female-presenting figure on the left. He is taking a step towards her and reaching out his hand for her cup while holding onto his own with the other, and she is offering up her chalice to him with two hands…

It is also interesting to me that she is wearing the robes of the High Priestess while he is wearing the outfit of The Fool, the initiation of the whole Tarot, the one whose journey we are going.

It is also what’s called a “stage card”, because it appears they are standing on a stage; is choice just an illusion? I think we could go down a rabbit hole of fate versus free will with this one!

Above them is the winged red lion of St. Mark, a symbol of the courage it takes to begin a new relationship or project which captivates our heart! Emotions can be so overpowering and the ones that leave us the most vulnerable, it takes great bravery to initiate a new path.

I also find it interesting that she is wearing red shoes on her feet, the colour of power.

In the Thoth deck, the Two of Cups is simply called Love, indicative of the emotional nature of this card.

Upright Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Generally, the Two of Cups upright is welcome when this card appears, inviting us to open up to new partnerships and collaborations, to lead with love, and remain receptive to fresh proposals and engagements. It can symbolise new relationships based on mutual respect and emotionally captivating projects. Listen to the wisdom of your heart and body, what do they choose?


Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card

A Two of Cups reversed can be a message that a partnership, relationship, project, or proposal may not be what it seems. Sometimes the heart can cloud our judgement and you may be asked to proceed with caution, are you embarking on a fair, equally-balanced deal? If this is to be the start of a long partnership in your life, whatever that may be, what is the health of it?

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Two of Cups in a Relationship Reading

As with any Tarot card, the significations of the Two of Cups in a love Tarot reading will depend entirely on the situation at hand, the question asked, the position in the spread in which it has fallen, the cards surrounding it, and your own intuition. Overall, however, it is usually a welcome card to receive! If it has fallen in a favourable position it can be a message to remain open and receptive to new romantic blossomings, to soften the heart and choose tenderly. We are still at the beginning, but following your emotions can help.

Two of Cups in a Career Reading

Again, the nature of its meaning will depend on the context, but in general the Two of Cups in career Tarot readings can be an invitation to listen to what your heart and intuition have to say about the matter, to lead with your emotional intelligence first, and to open up to new creative potentials. Brokerage any discord with the spirit of love and treat your business partnerships with balance. Say yes to the projects that fill your heart.


So that’s an overview of the Two of Cups Tarot card, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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