Meanings of the Ace of Cups


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Meanings of the Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups brings us into the suit of the heart, emotions, creativity, intuition, and relationships; as such, it is the seed of potential for anything that fills us up.

Read on for more significations, including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences:


Ace of Cups Meaning

The Ace of Cups Minor Arcana card, like all the Aces, is the start of a new cycle. Here in the Cups, we are beginning a new cycle in with something that is emotionally fulfilling and abundant in an intangible, all the pleasures and value that money can’t buy.

As an Ace, it is a message to be open and receptive to any news, messages, invitations, insight, propositions, opportunities, potentials, and proposals being offered to us, particularly the ones that excite us, feel nourishing, or tug at our heart strings.

Yes, it signals a potent seed being planted for a fresh new emotional journey- but we must also reach out our hand and receive the cup!

If you’ve felt in an emotional void, get prepared to feel all the feels and open yourself up to beauty, awe, and wonder.

Numerologically as a 1, it represents the start of a new cycle and our capacity for making of it what we will. The road ahead is long yet but we have begun, a powerful step.

This also connects it to the Major Arcana Magician card, the seat of creative potential and manifestation. Here we have the agency and capacity to initiate something new.

Astrologically it corresponds the Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces- the intuitives, feelers, healers, and creatives of the Zodiac. Here in the suit of Cups we are tasked with using our emotional intelligence, one that cannot be learnt in books and is arguably more valuable and useful in life. If we can’t connect with ourself and others emotionally we won’t get very far!

In the Colman Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, like all the Aces, it is against a neutral sky of grey, reflecting the impartiality of opportunity. We may be presented with all the opportunities in the world but if we aren’t aware enough to seize them they do little good!

There is a dove of peace dipping Eucharist bread into the cup, emotions are holy and the wisdom of the heart is sacred.

Like the Ace of Wands, the hand is pointing to the left, backwards to the past for languages that are read from left to right (such as English), symbolising the capacity for the heart to hold on to nostalgia or memory.

The “W” can either stand for water or womb, although some think it is an upside down “M” for mother.

There are 26 water droplets, or yods, perhaps representative of the English alphabet, the form through which we convey our emotions; and there are five streams of water pouring down for the four elements plus the fifth, ether. Sometimes wisdom cannot be known only felt.

In the water of emotions lilies are growing, famously rising from mud. Through heartbreak it is possible for new life to still form.

In the Thoth deck, the Ace of Cups is exploding forth with water like a fountain, the endless source of emotion.

Upright Ace of Cups General Meaning

Generally, an Ace of Cups upright is a welcome card to receive, inviting us to open up the heart, allow it to fill up, and eventually overflow. It can symbolise an invitation for fresh starts in the realm of emotions, creative projects, or new relationships. Let it wash over you and feel it all.


Reversed Ace of Cups Tarot Card

An Ace of Cups reversed can be a message not to close off the heart, to trust that it is stronger to hold it all. It can be a message to listen to the wisdom of heart and what it has to say, for better or worse, and sit with the body; to nourish ourselves and remain emotionally open. Lead with love.

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Ace of Cups in a Relationship Reading

As with any Tarot card, the significations of the Ace of Cups in a love reading will depend entirely on the situation at hand, the question asked, the position in the spread it has fallen in, the cards surrounding it, and your own intuition. Overall, however, it is generally a welcome card to receive as it can symbolise exciting new feelings blossoming. Again, we are at the very beginning here, but for now open up to it and see where it leads you.

Ace of Cups in a Career Reading

Again, the nature of its meaning will depend on the context, but in general the Ace of Cups in career Tarot readings can be an invitation to listen to what your heart and intuition have to say about the matter, to lead with your emotional intelligence first, and to open up to new creative potentials. Search for solutions, projects, and new ways of being that give you a case of the butterflies!


So that’s a brief Ace of Cups Tarot card description, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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