The Magician Tarot Card Meanings


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The Magician Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician Tarot card represents the first numbered Major Arcana, coming after The Fool which is usually “numbered” as 0. The Magician brings potentiality into action, the spirit of manifestation, and embodiment of infinite mastery (as signified by the lemniscate, infinity symbol, above their head- one of only three in the whole RWS Tarot deck).

With all the four elements at their disposal, they bring will into being, harnessing physical reality. They are the archetypal sorcerer, the one who brings ideation into creation, the concept of form.

Read on for what The Magician indicates Numerologically, Astrologically, reversed and in a career, love, and general Tarot readings:


The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Major Arcana Tarot card in the Rider-Waite-Colman-Smith deck holds all the elements at their disposal- they have a pentacle, representing earth, sword (air), cup (water), and staff/wand (fire)- they represent the whole Tarot incarnate and the first physical start of our journey through the Tarot cards.

It is a card of taking action and manifestation, of being the captain of your destiny, and taking fate into your own hands. When we receive The Magician in a reading, we are being reminded of our own infinite potential and that we hold the keys to our reality within- you are more powerful than you may be seeing!

In the RWS deck they are robed in white and red, symbols of opportunity and power, likewise seen in the rose and lily. They have an ouroboros belt, a reminder of their never-ending magic, as they figuratively gesture: as above, so below (as within, so without). Combined, it is a reminder that we have strong capacity and capability to see through whatever it is we are facing, and we are being called to harness our own magic.

In other Tarot decks, such as the Thoth they are referred to as The Magus, bringing in references to the three wise men and magi.

Spiritually, The Magician is complete, they have the emotional (water) and intellectual insight (air) that is grounded in reality, embodied (earth), and harnessed with aligned action and a zest for life (fire).

Numerologically, this is the number 1, the start of the cycle and representation of pure potential. It is individuality, independence, and authority.

Astrologically, it’s related to Mercury (and the element of air), the psychopomp that could travel between the worlds. Mercury is fluid and adaptable, ruler of mutable signs Gemini and Virgo. Mercury represents the analytical mind, how we take in and process information, and how we communicate it in return. It wsa also traditionally associated with Astrology itself. Hermes, the Roman counterpart, was known as the winged messenger, quickly relaying information between the Gods.

Historically, The Magician represented a type of street performer or sleight-of-hand artist (“il bagatto” in the original Italian decks); to the madman, a figure like the ingenious professor far removed from reality, as well as a potential charlatan. Only a step up from nothing, The Beggar (Fool), it was also associated with swindling (like the trickster God Mercury/Hermes), but conversely worth a lot of points in the game, both were considered wild cards- the ability to be used at will.

Eventually it developed into an artisan and the Magus (priest/wise man). From here, Pamela Colman Smith reinvented the imagery to emphasise mastery, skill, and being the magician of one’s fate. Holding a divining rod in their right hand, the hand of giving, The Magician is the conscious spirit of manifestation.

The Magician Upright General Meanings

Use the resources at hand to skilfully harness your desired outcome, this is a card of grabbing life by the reins and putting your plans into action, of remembering that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

KEYWORDS: Manifestation, potential, opportunity, resources

The Magician Card Reversed Meaning

When we receive The Magician reversed in a reading, it can be an even stronger invitation to lean into our power and take charge on something. To lead with action and harness all of the skills, resources, and opportunities at our disposal. It is call to step into your power! Read more about how I interpret Tarot reversals here.

To learn more deeply about the world of Tarot, enrol in my Intuitive Tarot Course!


The Magician in a Love Tarot Reading

As with any Tarot reading, the interpretation of a card will depend on where in the spread it has fallen, what the surrounding cards are, what the question was, what the context is, and what your intuition tells you is the answer!

In general, The Magician in a love reading can be an invitation to take the initiative to see the outcome you desire- if it is about a potential love interest, it can be a call to make the first move; in a current relationship, it can be about stepping forward to bring up the conversation, opportunity etc- to take matters into your own hands.

The Magician in a Career Reading

Again, this will also depend on which Tarot spreads you are using, but in general this can be seen as an invitation to harness all of the skills and resources at your disposal, to initiate a new beginning or project- and a reminder that you’ve got what it takes (especially if paired with The Fool)! It’s a time for stepping up and perhaps taking more of a leadership role, or the need to take matters into your own hands- put your money where your mouth is!

If you’d like to see a full list of all the Tarot meaning, check out our complete post here.


So those are the basic significations of The Magician Major Arcana card and what it means for you if it shows up in a general, career, or love reading, and as a reversal Let me know if you have nay questions or anything else to add in the comments section below!

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