A Universal 6 Year And Lovers Tarot Card


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2022: A Universal 6 Year And Lovers Tarot Card

Numerologically, every year represents a different number. The year 2022 will be a Universal 6 year because 2+0+2+2 = 6. The 6s in numerology (and tarot), represent union, harmony, and balance.

The sixth Major Arcana in tarot is The Lovers card, hence 2022 will be a Lovers card year. Ultimately this card is the harmonisation of self and other, of finding balance in duality, and seeking wholeness within before merging with another (for context, 2021 was a Universal 5 year- 5s bring challenges, conflict, and growth. The fifth Major Arcana is The Hierophant, a representation of spiritual teachings and the need for balancing external teachings with internal truth- you can read more about this on our post about it here).

Read on to find out what we can expect in a Universal 6 year and what The Lovers represents below:


A Universal 6 Year

In numerology, the number 6 represents a harmonious number of peace and balance. It is about feeling content and aligned, with a sense of community and belonging. In a 6 Universal year, we can hope for more unity and respect within duality. Relations may be more cooperative with a general feeling of ease and lightness in the air. The six is the number of hope, healing, nurturance, support, and the heart space.

It’s a special number also representing symmetry, holding in its figure the number 9 (three 3s), and the first multiple of three, a powerful number of creation. As a life path number, 6 represents someone with empathy that cares deeply for those around them and the greater collective. This is a similar theme in Chaldean Numerology.

Of course, we are still coming out of a challenging year in 2021, and this will not just disappear; but Astrologically it is also reflected as the Saturn-Uranus square that defined the tension of 2021 will no longer be exact (although they will still be close, so it can be more like a backdrop rather than a foreground). Similarly, the 6 is just over the halfway point in a cycle of 10, we are not quite finished with the work yet, but we are over the hump.

Within the Universal 6 year, we can also get a flavour of the months numerologically by adding them to 6. For example, in January we will be in a Universal 7 month, within a Universal 6 year (1+6-7). In December, we will be in a Universal 9 month (1+2+6 = 9). Sevens represent spiritual growth and learnings. Nines are the end of the cycle where we assimilate all that we have learnt. In June, we will be in a Universal 3 month, this is about creativity and the power of teamwork and collaboration.

To learn more about what all the numbers represent numerologically, read our post about it How Numerology and Tarot are Linked!

The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers is the sixth Major Arcana of the tarot. The Major Arcana are the 22 cards that deal with the major themes and archetypes of life. The Lovers is often taken to mean literally, love and lovers. But there is more to this card than that. The Lovers represents the internal duality and union, and the ones we form externally. It is about accepting and finding peace in ourselves, embracing our light and shadow, harmonising all sides to find oneness. Being our own lover.

From this place, we can move through the world with autonomy, agency, and independence, consciously choosing to become interdependent on another without co-dependency. Without projection or filling a void, without seeking externally what can be found within.

It represents the need to internalise the messages we are constantly relayed from the world around us. Like a mirror, what we see in life is a reflection of our own mental and emotional state. The Lovers can also sometimes represent a mutually exclusive choice. We choose to be in relationship, or at least we should. It takes strength and courage in vulnerability to bear ourselves literally and figuratively like the figures on the card in the Smith-Rider-Waite deck.

When Eve ate the apple, that was a choice. By being in relationship, we are choosing that person over many others or being single, every day. The Lovers can be a call to check in that we are making the right choices.

Pamela Colman Smith, the artist, also deliberately chose to replicate the same figures on The Devil card, the ones that have now become enslaved, trapped to their obsessions and mind games. It is also the card that numerologically reduces to 6 (The Devil is Major Arcana number 15, 1+5=6). Like The Devil, The Lovers can also represent when we have given away our power and seek validation from external sources, from another person. With this, The Lovers can be a reminder to find union and harmony within first.

Sometimes, of course, The Lovers can simply represent love and lovers. A symbol that you are making a right choice and have found a true partnership, perhaps divinely guided like the figures in the RWS deck. However, we are only at the beginning of the Major Arcana, our journey, there are still 15 more cards to come. The path of being in partnership is one of lifelong lessons. Read more about Tarot Card Meanings here.

Astrologically, this card is related to Gemini. This is interesting because we will be moving out of almost two years of Nodes on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis in 2022. Since 2020 the Eclipses have occurred in Gemini and Sagittarius, bringing change to the concepts of truth, communication, social media, propaganda, learning, education, long distance travel versus local communities etc. Perhaps this will be a time when we can find meaning and harmony in all that we have learnt in these areas over this period, finding union in duality.

Gemini is a Mutable Air Sign ruled by Mercury, the quick Planet of intellect and communication. Perhaps we can expect to see more mental flexibility and cooperation, with an interest in curiosity and learning from the other, rather than animosity.

The Lovers, being the sixth Major Arcana card, also corresponds to the 6s in the Minor Arcana pip cards. These are the Six of Wands, Six of Cups, Six of Swords, and Six of Pentacles. Briefly, the Six of Wands is about celebrating victory and success, but doing so with the spirit of sportsmanship.

The Six of Cups is about nostalgia and childhood reminiscence, of generosity and belonging, without looking through rose-tinted glasses for too long. The Six of Swords is about mentally moving on to calmer waters, leaving the turbulence behind in search of quieter shores, and knowing when it is time to do so. And the Six of Pentacles represents charity and the balance of give and take. Of knowing it is a privilege to be able to give and be of service, and also to be open to asking for help and receiving it when we need.

Overall, based on these things combined- the harmony of the 6s and the Lovers card, points to the new year hopefully being a return to a calmer and more balanced year. One still with many lessons to be learnt, but one in which we can find a greater agency within, and union in duality without.

To learn more about the world of Tarot, enrol in my Intuitive Tarot Course!


So that’s what it means to be in a numerological Universal 6 year and Lovers Tarot card in 2022. I hope this post has been of value to you, let me know if you have any questions or something to add in the comments section below and I’ll gladly get back to you!

If you would like to know what 2022 may hold for you, get the Zodiac Year Ahead report! Or, if you would like me to completely custom tailor a report for you, book in a personalised Year Ahead Reading with me :)