What are the Astrological 9th Parts?


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What are the Astrological 9th Parts?

The 9th parts, also known as the Novenaria or Navamsa in Vedic Astrology, are a way of further breaking down a Chart, similar to the dodecatemoria. It was heavily used in Islamicate and Hellenistic Astrology for adding another layer of interpretation to placements, especially the Moon.

It takes each of the Zodiac Signs and divides it into nine equal parts, each ruled by one of the seven classical Planets.

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The 9th Parts

Much as the name suggests, the 9th parts break down each 30º Zodiac Sign into nine equal parts, comprising 3º20’ each. The first part is assigned to the Cardinal Sign of that Element and then follow throughs in Zodiacal order.

The Cardinal Signs (those that come at the start of seasons and denote the Equinoxes/Solstices) are: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

The Elemental triplicities are:

  • FIRE = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

  • EARTH = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

  • AIR = Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

  • WATER = Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Thus each of the Fire Sign’s first 9th part is Aries (which is ruled by Mars) for 3º20’, then Taurus for the next 3º20’, and so on.

The last ruler of each of the Water Signs is the Planet Jupiter because they begin with Cancer (ruled by the Moon) and follow through to Pisces.

The traditional rulership is:

  • Aries - Mars

  • Taurus - Venus

  • Gemini - Mercury

  • Cancer - Moon

  • Leo - Sun

  • Virgo - Mercury

  • Libra - Venus

  • Scorpio - Mars

  • Sagittarius - Jupiter

  • Capricorn - Saturn

  • Aquarius - Saturn

  • Pisces - Jupiter

Above is a table outlining the degrees of each Zodiac Sign and their 9th part ruler. Here is a free calculator to show you your Chart with the 9th parts included on the outer wheel (you must select “9th parts” in the extended settings).

Interpreting the 9th Part

Typically the 9th parts were mostly considered for the Moon in a birth chart but it was also used for a fascinating timing technique called the Month of Destiny (as outlined by Dr. Ali Olomi) which I will cover in another post.

In the Chart below, the Moon is at 11'º57’ Aquarius (an Air Sign, thus begins with Cardinal Libra), putting it in the ninth part of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Saturn here is domiciled in Capricorn, putting it in a place of strength, in the 2nd House. As it is a Day Chart, it is also more constructive.

An Aquarius Moon can feel a bit of an odd-ball, like an alien. It can bring a quirky persona that marches to the beat of their own drum, carves out their own path, and requires a sense of independence, freedom, and authenticity. Aquarius also seeks out a community of like-minded individuals (emphasis on individuals), but is equally happy alone if it doesn’t find it (in fact it does also require enough Saturnine solitude)!

Being in the 9th part of Capricorn doubles up the Saturnian influence, adding a level of stoicism to the infamous Aquarius capacity to detach from its emotions. Capricorn values honesty, integrity, and standards. Both are collectively oriented, and Capricorn has a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and hard work; ambition and achievement are integral. Combined, ancestral wisdom and tradition, as well as visionary forward thinking apply.


So that’s a brief overview of the 9th parts in Astrology, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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