The 30 Most Important Life Lessons I Learnt By Age 30

30 most important life lessons learnt by age 30, laughing and running on the beach in ark swimwear, Bali

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The Most Important Life lessons I Learnt By Age 30

I wanted to synthesize the most important lessons that have affected my life so far because, without going too much into the why, for some reason some people dread turning 30. I was once one of them. We fear the unknown, even though does anything ever really change on the day of your birthday every year? No. You feel exactly the same as you did the day before.

Change comes slowly, incrementally over time; it’s only after looking back over a long period that we notice how much we’ve changed. We think that suddenly young, fun life stops at 30 and we have to be adults now. Surprise, surprise: it doesn’t. I’m here to tell you it feels exactly the same (but better as well). As I got closer and closer to 30 I actually couldn’t wait for it! I was excited for this new chapter in my life and at what prospects this next decade would bring me (and yes, maybe even feeling a bit more adult along the way).

These are the most important life lessons I’ve learnt by 30 as I look back over my twenties:

30 Most Important Life Lessons- stunning golden sunset light flare glow behind hair flick in the sea
  1. Only you can truly make yourself happy, and this happiness comes from within. It‘s not a person, place, job or any other thing. Your perspective and perception of reality are everything. Happiness is a mindset. What happens to you is not as important as how you react to what happens.

  2. Not everyone will like you and you won’t get on with everyone you meet. That’s ok. Conflict is ok. It doesn’t need to be disagreeable to disagree. Learning to openly and honestly communicate your feelings whilst respecting others’ and trying to understand their point of view is how we grow. Some people will be physically incapable of understanding you, as you them; it doesn’t matter. EVERYONE has a story to tell and people are fundamentally good. 

  3. Sometimes first impressions can be deceiving. Everyone deserves a second chance, including yourself. People are not defined by their actions- one bad day does not make a bad person. Give yourself and others a break. Always give people the benefit of the doubt. Don’t overthink things, let things go and learn to truly forgive and forget. 

  4. Learn to listen to your gut instinct. It’s often correct (this is one of the lessons I wish I had learnt to do sooner).

  5. Money means nothing beyond basic necessities and freedom. The most valuable currencies are happiness and peace of mind

30 Most Important Life Lessons - pulling my hair and sticking out my tongue in my green ark swimwear on the beach

6. A daily morning and nighttime routine are absolute MAGIC (these are some of the lessons that affected my life most greatly)! 

7. Yoga, meditation, eating healthily, spending time in nature, reading, gratitude journaling and prioritising sleep are the best things in the world for creating lasting peace, joy and vitality. 

8. What you read, watch, listen to, think, and who you hang around with are important.

9. You are beautiful. You are as unique as a snowflake and the embodiment of your parents and every single ancestor that came before you. The very atoms that make you come from stars and you likely share some with the dinosaurs and Cleopatra. Having your own style and voice that you are truly comfortable in and love are the best. You do you. Also, no one is paying as much attention to you as you think they are. And even if they are, so what? It does not matter what others think, if you like you, then that’s all that matters.

10. The universe knows what it’s doing.

30 Most Important Life Lessons - Two Wander young couple laughing on the beach by the sea at a pink sunset
30 Most Important Life Lessons - blurry pink sunset sea waves with illustrated moon and stars

11. When you meet the one for you, you truly do “just know”.

12. Every experience is worthwhile, even the bad ones. We are the sum of them. How do you know you are experiencing what you are supposed to? Because you are experiencing it now. The whole universe and every living thing that has ever been have conspired to make this very moment happen...

13. Time spent prioritising yourself as well as with family, friends and loved ones are the most important things in life. 

14. Being alive and healthy right now truly is a blessing. Ageing is a privilege not everyone is given. You will never again be as young as you are in this exact moment right now.

15. Learning to go with the flow and lowering expectations makes life easier (one of the lessons that’s harder to learn)!

30 Most Important Life Lessons - long haired girl riding skateboard by the beach with palm trees

16. Taking things one small step at a time makes them less scary. Be present and focus on what’s directly in front of you. Awareness makes life richer and time ceases to exist as you enjoy every second to the fullest. 

17. You have no idea what the future holds and that’s great! It’s what makes it exciting and keeps us moving forward. Everything has a right time. Don’t worry about the unknown, you are capable of handling anything and achieving everything you want in due time if you keep at it. The only constant in life is change.

18. It’s a great thing to be able to appreciate someone’s beauty or revel in someone else’s success knowing that it does not take away anything from yours. 

19. There is absolutely no point in comparing. Everyone’s life is on a different path. What’s right for them is not right for you. Don’t let society or anyone else (even if well-intentioned) dictate how to live your life. Do what you feel is best for you and you’ll save yourself a lot of heartache in the long run (another one of the lessons I wish I’d realised sooner).

20. Don’t let anyone treat you with disrespect. If something isn’t working for you, you can ALWAYS walk away. Anything can be fixed, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the beginning. 

30 Most Important Life Lessons - walking in the Balinese Tegallalang rice terraces in my whimsical white Fortunate One dress

21. Being able to rely on yourself is great; as is being able to rely on someone else. 

22. It really is nice to be nice (sometimes the simple lessons cause the most change in our lives)

23. Enjoying your twenties is the best. Life is long and it is also short- you are only that young once and you don’t know how long you’ve got. Everything can be sorted out and there is time for it all. Be spontaneous and do anything you feel like while you can.

24. That said, youth does not stop at twenty. It’s a mindset and it’s in your soul. Throughout the years your physical appearance will change but deep inside you are always the same person in essence. There’s no “right” or correct time for anything, do what you feel. Whenever you look back in five years time you’ll realise how young you always are. 

25. Worry changes absolutely nothing, except potentially making you suffer twice. It does not take away tomorrow’s problems, it only takes away today’s peace. What will be will be.


26. You are responsible for your actions even when you’re in a bad mood or feel you’ve been treated unfairly. No one owes you anything. Things don’t happen TO you, they just happen. How you perceive them to be dictates your emotional outcome. You can always choose how you react to something. Never resist the “isness” of the present moment. 

27. We are constantly learning and growing.

28. Always be grateful for what you have and you will be rich. There are so many people with so little in the world. It doesn’t take much to appreciate what you do have and to be happy.  

29. I asked Sam what his life lessons were and he said: “1) Nothing’s permanent. 2) There’s always tomorrow”. That was it haha I think that sums us up pretty well. He then added that “there’s always positives to take out of every situation” and “nothing’s more important than happiness”.

30. (Refer to lessons 27): What would you add??

So there’s my list of the 30 most important lessons I’ve learnt in 30 years of life. Honestly, I loved my twenties and they were a time of great discovery, adventure, growth, difficulty, loneliness, confusion, loss, grief, joy, serenity, love, laughter, experimentation, happiness and so much more. I’m so grateful for them and everything I’ve done and am even more excited for what’s to come!

How do you feel about being/turning 30 and what are the life lessons you would add? Let me know in the comments section below!





The 30 Most Important Lessons I learnt By The Age Of 30 standing in the sea my shadow silhouetted by the golden glow sunset