The Best Crystals For Anxiety

Two Wander - The Best Crystals For Anxiety

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13 Crystals For Anxiety

Healing crystals have been used over millennia for a variety of reasons across cultures. Each of them is said to hold their own properties and benefits and can assist us in our daily lives, rituals, meditations, work, study, and beyond, with the intention we have. Using crystals to help combat stress and anxiety is a popular practice because they are portable and accessible. While they won’t solve all your problems on their own, when used intentionally they can be potent aids to your healing work.

People often carry them with them when they travel, have important business meetings, take an exam, or just generally deal with people and being the outside world to add a little bit of soothing grounding. Like a worry stone, you can “program” your crystal to help you with a certain thing by asking for its help in a particular area and then infusing the positive energy you would like to feel, then whenever you hold it or see it, you can be reminded of your intention and come back to the present.

When picking a crystal to buy, it’s really important to buy from a reputable shop who can confidently trace the source of their crystals so that you know you are purchasing an ethical one. If the information is not readily available, send the seller a quick message beforehand and they should happily answer you. If they don’t know, or won’t give you a direct answer, then it’s probably best to steer clear and go with someone more reliable.

For more information on how to align your life with the healing properties of crystals, check out our comprehensive guidebook to High Vibes Crystals for more information!


How To Use Crystals For Stress

Before using your crystals, it is usually recommended to cleanse and clear them, such as with a sun or moonlight bath (simply placing them outside for 24hrs, bonus points for using the full moon), cleansing them in water or saltwater if it is safe for them to do so, with sound vibrations such as with bells or humming, or with smoke cleansing (using a culturally appropriate herb of your choice that is not endangered)!

You can use crystals by placing them on your body or holding them during meditation (my personal favourite method); keeping them on your desk when you work or study; planting them in your plant pots to help your seeds of abundance grow; carrying them with you throughout the day in your bag or pockets (another favourite of mine); taking ritual baths (another fave), make gem elixirs (again, another favourite!); making sacred geometry grid patterns with them to amplify their potency; placing them around your home (bonus points for consulting a Feng Shui bagua map); wearing them in jewellery; holding them while journalling, using them as a pendulum, rune stones or when pulling tarot cards, or during any other spiritual practice- the list is practically endless! Any way you feel called to use them is the right way for you.

Generally, you can start with colour therapy to help you when selecting a crystal that is not on this list. Most crystals that are black are going to be extremely protective and grounding, as are some red crystals, which can also be energising and invigorating, along with orange and yellow crystals, which can also help spark your personal power and creativity; pink and green crystals will usually help you feel into your heart space and balance your emotions, blue crystals are often soothing and open up your Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra to confidently speak your truth, and white crystals are generally known to be clearing and help bring the body back into harmony.

Two Wander - How To Use Crystals To Manage Stress

As when picking any crystal, the best is really whichever one you feel called to (and is in your budget), but here are some of the best for anxiety to get you started":

1. Amethyst - The Spiritual Tranquilizer

Amethyst is one of the most popular and well-known crystals out there, and with good reason! The healing properties of this crystal include powerful Third Eye activation, helping you to tap into your intuition, connecting you to yourself and naturally grounding and soothing you in the process by allowing to trust yourself more. It is also said to be able to assist strengthen your spirituality and connection with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self, so is a great one to use if your anxiety is caused by a general confusion or loss of faith in life. It’s a really good one to meditate with to help increase the potential for insight, and keep under your pillow for more vivid dreams (check out our post on how to de-code dreams)!

2. Rhodonite - The Heart Healer

Rhodonite is said to be a powerfully healing crystal, helping to soothe any lingering wounds, calm the nervous system, nurture your heart space, and heal scars and past hurts. It helps us forgive, let go and move on. It is also said to be particularly good for dealing with shock and panic attacks.

3. Citrine - The Invigorator

One of the best stones for connecting to your creativity and innate power (Solar Plexus Chakra), Citrine is the go-to stone for anything related to dealing with confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem issues, and feelings of imposter syndrome. If you feel anxiety relating to your capabilities in the world, then Citrine is the crystal for you! It can help give you a boost and ignite your personal power, expanding your willingness for self-expression enthusiastically and with joy.

4. Moonstone - The Feeler

Moonstone is a beautiful stone with flashes of iridescent light reminiscent of the moon. It can help us get back in touch with our softer, more intuitive sides, helping us to feel our emotions and process them fully to allow them heal and pass on. Often we feel stress or anxiety due to pent up energy we are not allowing to be fully felt and honoured, by feeling into our emotions, instead of trying to push them down and run away from them, we can give them the space they need to move through us.

Moonstone gives us the courage to be able to do this and know that we will be OK on the other side. It can help us access our inner parent to heal any inner child wounds we might have, as well as get more back in touch with ourselves and instinct to know what it is we need to do. Most of all, this stone helps remind us to simply be in the moment and appreciate the natural beauty all around us. Its serene and tranquil energy is also said to help us cultivate our compassion and empathy while shielding us in a gentle protective shield.

5. Rose Quartz - The Heart Opener

The ultimate crystal for self-love, love for others, and Universal love, Rose Quartz is one of the best healing crystals. It connects directly to Heart Chakra opening it up to the abundance within, calming any tension, fear, anxiety, or worry. It’s excellent for helping to relieve stress by centring us and remaining grounded in the heart space, knowing that we are loved and capable of love. It helps restore trust and harmony in relationships, and brings an overall feeling of inner peace and wellbeing. This is one of the must-have crystals in any beginner collection (check out our post on the best start crystals for more ideas)!

6. Selenite - The Spiritual Soother

This beautiful, ethereal crystal is named after Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon, revered throughout the ages as one of the most popular and used crystals. Selenite has a pure, gentle, calming energy that is said to be able to energetically cleanse any space and body, including your aura and other crystals. As such, it is one of the only crystals that technically doesn’t ever need to be cleansed. It has a powerfully relaxing, soothing presence, and helps to connect us to our spiritual selves, intuition, and Guides. It releases negative energy and brings a sense of peace to the area around it, restoring a sense of harmony, trust, and contentment.

Two Wander - Crystals For Anxiety, Selenite

7. Blue Lace Agate - The Emotional Balancer

Blue Lace Agate is known as an emotional balancer because it has the capacity to help restore both sides of the body, yin and yang, to bring them back into a state of harmony. This beautiful, peaceful stone is great for calming the mind, soothing any racing thoughts, connecting us to our Crown Chakra, and giving us the strength to speak our truth. It’s a great crystal for seeing both sides of a matter, looking at the bigger picture, increasing tolerance and understanding, and bringing us back to centre, confident in ourselves and the knowledge that all things are transient. It can help us remain grounded in the present moment while also connecting us to our intuition.

8. Black Tourmaline - The Protector

This is one of the most potent shielding stones and helps alleviate stress and protect you from negative energy, realigning us to the Earth’s energies, grounding and re-centring us. In stressful times, this is one of the best stones to carry with you throughout the day to help bring you back to the present moment and keep your firmly rooted, especially if you are dealing with people whose energy doesn’t gel well with yours.

9. Clear Quartz - The Master Healer

All quartz crystals are beneficial, but Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” because of its ability to assist in every situation imaginable. It can also act as a substitute for basically any other crystal. Clear Quartz helps clear out any negative and stagnant energy, healing our emotional centres, focussing our intention with clarity, assisting with manifestation, energising, cleansing, clearing, and any other moment you want to use it for- Clear Quartz has got your back.

10. Lepidolite - The Emotional Healer

This is one of my new favourite crystals, Lepidolite is incredibly soothing and balancing, helping to restore our turbulent emotions back to centre, helping us to ride out the waves and give us the space, patience, openness, tolerance, and acceptance for anything we may be feeling. It’s a beautiful stone that’s said to be able to help release negative thought patterns and heal deep-seated wounds. An overall great ally to have for stress and anxiety management!

11. Celestite - The Celestial

This is one of the best calming crystals, its beautifully soothing and helps to open up our Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) connecting us to our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Higher Self, Source, Ancestors- whatever resonate with you- to bring us a deep sense of inner knowing, protection, faith, trust, and serenity. It has a very gentle energy so is particularly useful if you are feeling a sort of frazzled, frenetic anxiety, and is also especially beneficial for use in spiritual work.

12. Fluorite - The Clarifier

This crystal is often touted as an anxiety buster, however, it is also a powerful clarifier, helping to give us intense focus. Meaning, if you are spiralling out of control by overthinking on a million different things, then fluorite could be really beneficial for you to help hone in your attention and cut out any outside distractions. But, if you are stressing over one thing obsessively that is doing you no good, then I would recommend against this crystal because the last thing you need is more attention on that one thing! It can also stabilise our energy, while simultaneously grounding and energising us.

13. Howlite - The Sleep Aid

The final stone on the list is relaxing Howlite, known for its ability to soothe frayed nerves, calm the mind, relax the body, and help lull us into a deep, restful sleep. This is the best crystal to use if your anxiety is keeping you up at night! Howlite is also a spiritual stone of gentle tenderness, helping to keep us open and accepting, connecting us to our higher powers.

Of course, as mentioned, just using crystals alone won’t completely rid you of your anxiety, but they can be a powerful tool when used alongside other stress management practices, such as yoga, meditation, and journalling. Or, with energy healing work such as Reiki.

So those are some of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief. I hope its useful for you and I’d love to hear about your own experience with them or if you have any other suggestions to add in the comments section below!

For more crystal suggestions, check out our posts on The Best Mercury Retrograde Crystals and The Zodiac Sign Gemstones.