What Are Adaptogens And Which Ones Are The Best?

Two Wander - How to use adaptogens

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What Are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are plants, roots, mushrooms or other natural ingredients that are especially good at helping the body “adapt” to various ailments, such as stress, digestion, sleep, and fatigue, through support of the endocrine, immune, circulatory or nervine system to help the body reach homeostasis and better perform its functions.

This means that taking a specific adaptogen can either help you gain more energy if this is what your body is struggling with, or help relax you if this is what is lacking for you. Basically they are special herbs who’s chemical makeup go to work by patching up any holes in your body’s natural abilities. Because of this, many adaptogens often serve more than one purpose.

For example, one of the most famous adaptogens is ashwagandha which can assist with everything from chronic stress and anxiety to sleep disturbances (which naturally go hand in hand) to strengthening the immune system, soothing the digestive tract and more!

The word "adaptogen" is used to describe plant medicines that have a balancing effect on something called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which helps regulate the delicate dance between your brain and hormone system. The HPA plays a role in everything from your mood and metabolism to energy and sex drive, and when it's unbalanced can lead to hormone problems such as adrenal fatiguethyroid issues, and low libido.

Adaptogenic herbs have been used for thousands of years across a variety of cultures as natural remedies and quality-of-life boosters. They are particularly important in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Indian Ayurveda. Now, many studies have been done to prove what these ancient practices already knew, and thanks to their blossoming popularity, they’re more accessible than ever to incorporate into your life.

Adaptogens can help with:

  • Lowering cortisol levels

  • Enhancing cognitive functioning

  • Alleviating mood disturbances

  • Supporting heart health

  • Protecting the liver

  • Managing cholesterol

  • Protecting against oxidative stress (and thus inflammation and symptoms of ageing)

  • Supporting the immune system

  • Helping manage fatigue

  • And more!

Read on below for a brief guide on these potent herbs, which are the most popular and efficient ones, and the favourites I personally use!

Two Wander - Healthy living, what are adaptogens

Which Are The Best Adaptogens?

Which is the best adaptogen for you depends on what issue you are trying to address- hormone balance, energy levels, stress management or just general life betterment.

Researchers from the Swedish Herbal Institute believe adaptogens work at a cellular level- “studies on animals and isolated neuronal cells have revealed that adaptogens exhibit neuroprotective, anti-fatigue, anti-depressive, anxiolytic, nootropic and CNS stimulating activity.”

Clinical trials have demonstrated that they can increases mental work capacity against a background of stress and fatigue, particularly intolerance to mental exhaustion and enhance attention. So really there’s something for everyone when it comes to adaptogens, and they can be integrated into your life either as a short-term fix of a recent problem, for example bouts of insomnia, or more long term integrations, such as in defence of constant chronic stress.

Here are some of the most common issues and the best adaptogens for addressing them:

  • Fighting fatigue: Ginseng/eluethero, cordyceps, maca, astragalus

  • Calming and relaxing: Ashwagandha, reishi, holy basil

  • Anti-aging/anti-inflammatory: Eleuthero/ginseng, holy basil, rhodiola, amla, goji berries, pearl, chaga

  • Immune boosting: Reishi, astragalus, turmeric, ho she wu, maca, chaga, turkey tail, ashwagandha

  • Stress and anxiety relief: ashwagandha, rhodiola, mucuna pruriens, lion’s mane

Below are 18 of the most popular adaptogens and some more detail about their properties:

1. Ashwagandha

Often touted as the healer of all healers, ashwagandha is the gold standard for adaptogens. It’s the ultimate chill pill for anxiety and is very effective at calming the nervous system, adrenal glands and mitigating stress hormones by controlling cortisol levels. Studies show that it can help balance optimal thyroid functions and is great for mood swings too! However, it’s also a nightshade (such as aubergines and tomatoes) which some people with autoimmune conditions can’t handle very well so bear that in mind when deciding to take this adaptogen.

2. Rhodiola Rosea

This is another great adaptogen for calming the nervous system and has been shown to help manage oxidative stress by being a neuroprotector, and can assist with fatigue and even act as a mild anti-depressant. One clinical study also linked it to improved endurance during prolonged period of exercise.

3. Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Another great stress reducer, holy basil is often taken as a tea in the morning as it is really great at relaxing the nervous system and assisting with sleep at night while also increasing energy levels for a double whammy! It helps with brain fog and cognitive functioning and is also good for bloating and gas. I love using holy basil in conjunction with my other morning teas- note that this is not safe if you’re trying to conceive or are pregnant because it can actually be used as a mild contraceptive! It’s also good for reducing inflammation.

4. Astragalus

This is a great immune booster and can give relief from seasonal allergies and fatigue, it helps reduce stress and sleep issues as well as having heart supporting properties by being rich in antioxidants. This is our favourite brand because it comes with schisandra berry for the ultimate cold busting combo (plus it’s organic and affordable too)!

5. Maca

Native to the Peruvian Andes, this is one is particularly good for hormone balancing and especially helped me after coming off the contraceptive pill! I still continue to use it for its assistance with my period pain (you can read more about that journey here), and is really good for increasing energy levels, stamina and mood. It can help calm anxiety and is super rich in vitamin C too. This is valid for both male and female hormones- we add it to our breakfast smoothie bowls, this is the brand we use, we love it because it’s got a super yummy natural nutty, roasted caramel type flavour!

6. Reishi

This famous mushroom is the queen of the immune boosters, it helps the body adapt to stress and is effective for sleep problems as well. All of the medicinal mushrooms pack the same punch as other adaptogens in terms of energy levels and stress management, plus with the added benefit of some serious immune boosting too. Research shows that it is effective for balancing blood sugar levels by down-regulating alpha-glucosidase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down starches into sugars, and they contain immune-modulating compounds called beta-glucans that help boost the immune system or dial it down as needed, as well as anti-cancer and liver-protective properties. This nootropic blend also comes with Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps.

7. Cordyceps

This is BY FAR the most effective adaptogen we’ve ever tried. It’s actually a parasitic fungus that takes over caterpillars! Don’t let that detract you though haha. Due to its nature, cordyceps is infamously expensive but the vitality boost we felt while taking this adaptogen is no joke. Seriously, we felt the best we’ve ever felt in our lives. It was originally discovered by Chinese farmers who noticed that their cattle were obsessed with eating this fungus, and that those who did were much stronger and lived longer than those that didn’t. Because of this, they began purposefully sourcing them out and eventually started taking it for themselves. In China, it’s often added to soups and teas, but you can most commonly buy it in pill form abroad. We took it as a tea and have personally found this to be the best method for most adaptogens, but this one in particular, because you really allow all the beneficial compounds to steep out. This mushroom is also high in antioxidants and can potentially decrease the pro-inflammatory monoamine oxidase and lipid peroxidation activity (which causes signs of ageing).

8. Eleuthero

Also known as Siberian ginseng, it’s the gold key for increasing energy levels, stamina and enhancing mental performance. Along with its American cousin, ginseng has been clinically proven to boost working memory and reaction times. It also works really well for helping to get over jet leg or if you know you’ve got a particularly stressful/demanding week coming up, you can take it as a preemptive assistance. This is another one we really love for the tangible effects we felt in our energy levels!

Two Wander - Turmeric powder, how to use adaptogens
Two Wander - What are adaptogens

9. Turky Tail

Another mushroom, when consumed daily, turkey tail has been shown to improve immune function and  gut overgrowths such as SIBO or candida. Tocos and shiitake are other popular medicinal mushrooms to try, especially if used in a blend for cold and flu season for example. Four Sigmatic powdered superblends are the most popular for this and can often replace people’s daily cup of coffee!

10. Turmeric

While not technically an adaptogen, turmeric has been shown to have similar adaptogenic qualities and, you most likely have already heard, is the ultimate aid for curbing inflammation. This is especially true when taken in conjunction with black pepper which can increase its absorption efficacy by 2000%! It’s a powerful antioxidant and can boost brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), which is linked to improved brain function and a lower risk of brain diseases. It’s also good for supporting a healthy immune system- we add a dash of turmeric and cinnamon (for its blood-sugar balancing properties) to our morning tea tonic and it tastes delicious!

11. Schisandra berry

Schisandra is another one touted for its female hormone supporting properties. It boosts memory, focus and mental performance, and is one of the best for helping to deal with adrenal fatigue too. This is one that I love for its tart energy zest but have often found it harder to find in shops and online.

12. Lion’s Mane

Studies have shown that the consumption of lion’s mane mushroom can help reduce anxiousness, depression and boost immunity, cognitive brain functioning, digestive health and even protect against dementia. Along with the other medicinal mushrooms, this is a really great one to add to your winter support repertoire.

13. Chaga

The king of immune support, this superfood mushroom is loaded with antioxidants that help fight free radicals and keep skin youthful.  Studies have shown this mushroom to have powerful antiviral effects as well as immune-balancing and anti-cancer properties. I haven’t personally experimented much with medicinal mushrooms yet but I’m very curious to try them!

14. Pearl

Yes, actual pearl, this adaptogen is touted as the ultimate beautifier because it’s chock-a-block full of amino acids which are the building blocks of skin, hair and nails. I’m yet to try this one internally but I’m really curious about it! Taken as a crushed up powder, you can use it as an effective brightening face mask too.

15. Shilajit

This black tar-like substance is primarily found on the rocks of the Himalayas and develops over centuries form the slow decomposition of plants, thus it’s extremely concentrated! Known as the ultimate women’s hormone, its name translates as "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness” - sign me up! It’s especially good for balancing out the sex hormones and is often administered to women after birth to support them. It’s suitable for men too and can also be used as an effective substitute for coffee. This adaptogen is the most fun to use because it comes in a tiny jar with a little spatula to spoon out into your tea or tonics. Because of its nature, it’s another pricey one but a small jar lasts an extremely long time.

16. He Shou Wu

This is the go-to adaptogen for low libido and is one of the most popular/famous in Traditional Chinese Medicine, frequently administered for a wide variety of ailments from fatigue to hormone dis-regulation to brain fog. It boosts the immune system and can lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. It’s generally taken for overall good health, especially in old age. Another extremely popular adaptogen in TCM is for women’s hormones is Dong Quai (female ginseng).

17. Mucuna Pruriens

A tropical legume native to parts of Africa, this is another one that is often hard to come by and can be on the pricier side. This adaptogenic bean extract is jam-packed with L-DOPA, the precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine, making it an effective mood-booster. It’s also great for increasing focus and calming anxiety levels and is especially beneficial for balancing male hormones.

18. Liquorice Root

A great stress reliever, liquorice has been shown to boost endurance and increase energy levels. It can raise blood pressure too which is great for those at risk of hypotension, like me (but to be used with caution if the opposite is true), and can help balance female hormones by lowering excess testosterone levels (especially useful if you suffer from PCOS etc.), because of this, however, it’s not usually indicated for men. It also helps with leaky gut syndrome and has been used for hundreds of years as a common cure for digestive issues due to its soothing, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the glycyrrhizic acid present. I LOVE drinking this as a daytime tea with peppermint, nettle and fennel, it’s so delicious and uplifting!

Two Wander - Heathy living, how to take adaptogens

How To Use Adaptogens

Adaptogens can come in the form of pills, tinctures, or powders and used on their own, in teas, smoothies, soups, elixirs/tonics and more. I’ve often personally found that adaptogens work better as teas but also frequently take them as pills because it’s one of the most common forms to find.

Oftentimes when I’ve tried an adaptogen in pill form and haven’t found it to be very beneficial for me, I’ve gone back to try it as a tea and found it to be more effective! As with all natural remedies, however, these are not a quick fix and anything you take should be trialled for at least a month for the effects to take place (and consulted with your doctor beforehand)!

Some of them can have quite earthy tastes so if you’re not a fan of this, maybe a pill would be best. Or maybe you’re trying to cut down on your caffeine intake and are trying to find energizing alternatives, something like Four Sigmatic’s famous “coffee” blend mentioned above could work better for you. Whatever the format, try to introduce one at a time in the beginning so you can best judge its effectiveness for you (and your body’s reaction to them) and then mix up your favourites if necessary after.

It’s also important to take a break of at least a few weeks in between each course so that your body doesn’t get used to them and they can continue to work at maximum potency! The packaging will tell you the specific dosage to take per day, which often, as these are natural substances, can be quite high, but at other times, such as with maca or turmeric, the dose is very small. Always follow the instructions and never go overboard!

Adaptogens work especially well when used in combination with other lifestyle factors for a holistic approach, if you’re dealing with a more serious issue this is best done with the assistance of a functional medicine doctor if possible. You can read more about the other practices I integrate for calming anxiety and ensuring optimal sleep here, and how I kickstart my day with the most abundant energy possible here.

Two Wander - Healthy living, how to take adaptogens

So that’s a brief intro to what are adaptogens and which ones are the best! I hope you found this guide useful, I’d love to hear about your experience with adaptogens in the comments section below. Or if you know of any others that are missing from the list, let me know!

If you’re interested in reading more about how to support a strong immune system, click here to read my post on what we do to maintain balanced health all year round (including during cold and flu season).

Interested in other methods to deal with anxiety? Check out my post on 7 Ways To Reduce Stress Holistically At Home.






Two Wander - 19 of the best adaptogens for vitality, anxiety, immunity and more
Two Wander - 19 of the best adaptogens for vitality, anxiety, immunity and more