Lunar Haircut Calendar: Cutting Your Hair By The Moon


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Lunar Haircut Calendar: Cutting Your Hair By The Moon

Farmers have relied upon the Moon's phases for guidance on when to plant crops for optimal growth, dating as far back as the 1800s, at least, from when the Farmer’s Almanac was first published, but these are practices that have been handed down through the ages across cultures. Likewise, it is common in many traditions to cut hair guided by the phases of the Moon.

Just like the tides, the syncing your gardening with gravitational pull of the Full Moon and New Moon is said to create a healthier, more productive yield. The same sentiment is used in lunar hair care as up to 13% of our hair is made of water.

Read on for tips how to use a hair cutting lunar calendar:


Cutting Your Hair By The Moon

Many different cultures interpret the phases of the Lunar cycle as most beneficial or not differently, and so it can be wise to do a bit of your own research and experimentation to see which system resonates most with you, as well as connecting to your own ancestral traditions. There is no agreed-upon, definite best/worst times but some general (and at times conflicting) guidelines. For this reason, and because this is an intuitive practice and not a science, of course, it is worthy to try different methods out, have fun with it, and take what resonates- leave what doesn’t.

Just as we ritualistically plant seeds of intention with the New Moon and release that which no longer serves us at the Full Moon, on the most basic level we can do the same with our physical bodies. Intentionally aligning your hairdressing appointments is a nice way to incorporate the Moon into your beauty routines, you can research and initiate the hairstyle you would like, how you want to feel with your hair, on the New Moon, and then go for a cut or color on the Full Moon. Even pop culture has a long history of “cutting things out of our hair” when we want to move on from a person, situation, way of being.

If you are trying to grow your hair own, you're often recommended by hairdressers to get a trim every 12 weeks, which is about the length of a Season. In Astrology, the Summer and Winter Solstice, and Spring and Autumn Equinox in particular are very important. These four time periods on the Wheel of the Year signal a powerful moment of transition. You can use these as markers of change for your own styling (even if that’s just a trim).

Our hair is an extension of ourselves and holds strong spiritual connotations in many cultures, hence why it is common to see sages, gurus, shamans, priestesses, and healers with long hair. Supposedly when we cut our strands of hair, even the tiniest trim, we can feel an energetic shift. It is said to hold part of our lifeforce energy, and so spiritually very important! Timing you hair with the cycles of the cosmos is a lovely way to show some intentionality to these energy “antennas”.



Water and Earth Signs are generally considered the most nourishing, replenishing, and fertile, as they literally represent hydration and nutrients. However, within this, Cancer and Pisces, for Water, and Taurus and Virgo, for Earth, are the best Signs in general because they are focussed on growth and nourishment- particularly Virgo, and Taurus especially as the Moon is also considered “exalted” here (it is also the ruler of Cancer). The other Water and Earth Signs, Scorpio and Capricorn, are not considered favourable because the Moon is considered in fall and detriment here respectively, Capricorn in particular is known as cold and dry, and so not ideal for hair.

Overall, Taurus and Cancer are best elementally, with Virgo, and then Pisces second.

Zodiac Signs

Leo’s ruling body part is literally the hair and so naturally this is a perfect time for cutting hair! This can either be when the Moon is in Leo or during Leo Season in general. Aries is a no because it is ruled by Mars, a hot and dry Planet, so not ideal for hair. It would also depend on what you’re after with your haircut- if you want to try some experimental hair coloring trends, for example, then Aquarius could be a good option! Libra is also known as the general Sign of beauty, being ruled by Venus (along with Taurus).

Days of the Week

Because Tuesday and Saturday are Mars’ and Saturn’s days respectively, these are also not considered beneficial. Monday is ruled by the Moon and so can be a good option. Friday is ruled by Venus and so also favourable, and even Thursday could be good as it is ruled by Jupiter, the Planet of prosperity and growth. [Check out our post on Planetary Days + Hours for more information on this!]

Additionally, in the Vedic tradition, it is said the 9th, 15th, and 23rd Lunar dates are also beneficial.

Moon Phases

In general, when the Moon is growing is said to be the best for hair, i.e. in the waxing Moon phase, this would be ideal for hair growth and length. You can opt for the waning Moon phase if you are wanting to strengthen the roots. Generally it is said to avoid a New Moon if possible, when the light is darkest and we are planting our seeds in quiet introspection, but an abundant Full Moon is good a time (unless it is an eclipse)!


The Winter period is a time of stillness and rest, whereas in Spring we are beginning to emerge refreshed- an optimal time for refreshing your look too and shedding your old layers. Summer is generally considered a time of optimism and fun, so could be a good time to play with your hair too (as well as damage repair from sun and sea!), and Autumn is a time of winding down and preparing for Winter.

After you have come to your own conclusions about what instinctively makes the most sense for you, you can also check out an automatic Moon calendar online. Here are a couple that I use here and here.


So that’s a brief overview of how to align your hair cut with the Moon, I hope it’s been insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have any questions or anything else to add :)

If you’re interested in other ideas for how to sync with the Season, check out our Zodiac Workbook Bundle!

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