The King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning


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The King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Wands court card is self-assured and ready for action. Leading from the gut, they are ready to spring with instinct. When this card shows up for us, it can be an invitation to follow suit and lead bravely from the heart, with a bit of pizzazz.

Read on for a full Tarot card description including Astrological and Numerological correspondences as well as what it can mean if it shows up for you as a reversal and in a general, career, or love Tarot reading:


King of Wands Tarot Significations

The King of Wands Minor Arcana card is bold, forthright, and ambitious. They are sure of theirselves and their actions, not hesitating to ask permission from anyone!

As depicted on the Pamela Colman Smith rendition, they are always ready on their toes for their next move, a born leader.

I also find it interesting that in this depiction they are facing left, looking to the past as we would deem it in the West (however, she drew heavily on the Qabalah, being a member of the Golden Dawn, in which Hebrew is read from right to left, which would make it the future).

Like all the Kings, there is an element of authority as well as mutability and change, coming at the end of cycles. The king is dead, long live the king as they say.

As the suit of Wands, it can be related to creativity, our vital life force energy, passion, or which piques our curiosity. Either way, it burns brightly and with a zest for life.

When it shows up for us in a reading, it can be an indication we are being called to lead with fiery ambition and to take instinctive action.

In the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, this King not only has the salamanders of fire and lions on their throne (the Page and Knight having salamanders on their tunics, the Queen having lions on her throne), they also have a physical salamander by their side (whereas the Queen has a cat, and sunflowers- symbol of life, fertility, and nourishment).

In the Thoth deck, the Kings are called Knights (yes, rather confusing) as further iterations of their forward momentum and movement. Knights are on quests and in service to a higher power. The Thoth Knight (King) of Wands is very dynamic, full of fire and black horse rearing up).

King of Wands Upright Key Meanings

Confidence, action, movement, energy, leadership, self-assurance, arrogance, bravery, instinct

Generally, King of Wands in an upright position leads from the heart, act first think later but with more alignment and instinct than the tempestuous Knight. This is exactly the kind of leader you would want in an emergency: ready for action, level-headed, and competent.


Astrology of the King of Wands

Astrologically, the King are said to correspond with the Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) in some traditions. This makes them the change-makers, excitable and flexible.

As the Wands suit corresponds with the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), this adds a fieriness to the King’s leadership.

This makes the King of Wands specifically Mutable Fire, Sagittarius. Sagittarius is expansive and exuberant, ruled by abundant Jupiter. They are known as the philosophers and adventurer’s of the Zodiac, keen to experience the world and share of their wisdom in return.

The Kings are also said to correspond to the element of Fire, thus this King is Fire of Fire, the fieriest of all! That’s a lot of energy to burn- a warning to heed can be mindfulness of hotheadedness, arrogance, or impetuousness.

Numerology of the King of Wands

Numerologically, the King can correspond to the number 14, which would connect it with Major Arcana Temperance (and Hierophant in turn), however the courts are not usually associated with numbers.

However, I like to think of the King of Wands as connecting to Temperance as it helps bring a nice sense of stability and equanimity. Connecting to the Hierophant is a reminder to act in alignment with our values.

How to Read Court Cards

Generally, the courts are said to represent a person, situation, or facet of self. This can be someone who is influencing the question at hand, the general energy of the circumstance, or an archetype you are invited to call upon (or be mindful of).

As a person, the King of Wands could be someone proud, forthright, determined, domineering, bold, exuberant, action-ready, impulsive, instinctive, efficient.

As a situation, the King of Wands can represent a general speed and sense of effervescence, the need to act is now! There may be a lot going on or a need for confident, self-assured action, to step up to the plate and lead.

As a facet of self, I see the King of Wands as a call to unapologetically lead your own life, to make the decisions you feel in your gut are best to do. It can be an invitation to lead with bravery, to call upon your inner leader, and do something.

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Reversed King of Wands

If you choose to read reversals, the King of Wands reversed suggests the need to check in that you’re not rushing ahead with something, stepping on someone’s toes, or getting ahead with yourself. Sometimes our excitement can lead us astray!

King of Wands in a Relationship Reading

In your love life, an upright King of Wands can represent a sense of dynamic change and progression, of forward momentum and exciting developments. Depending on where it shows up in the spread, it can represent an energetic (and perhaps forceful) partner, or an invitation for you to lead bravely from the heart.

King of Wands in a Career Reading

In a career Tarot reading, the King of Wands is an invitation for bold ambition and leadership, take charge! Command with confidence and self-assurance, you got this- lead with the heart and gut and you won’t go astray. Make your own success, time is of the essence!


So those are some King of Wands Tarot card meanings, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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