Significations of the Knight of Wands


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Significations of the Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands court card is fast and impetuous, racing ahead with the speed of a hurricane. They can be brash and impulsive, but if we can harness this energy (and remember to come up for air and feel our feet on the ground), we can ride the waves of scintillating progress and forward momentum.

Read on for a full Tarot card description including its Astrological and Numerological correspondences as well as what it can mean if it shows up for you as a reversal and in a general, career, or love Tarot reading:


Knight of Wands Tarot Meanings

The Knight of Wands Minor Arcana card speaks to those moments of rushing and quick energy, as well as the times when we are full of zest for life, a spark alighting our flames.

This Knight can at times feel bullish, like an overly eager imposing presence, however its fire can be used to ignite a renewed vitality.

When it shows up for us in a reading, it can be an invitation to roll with the punches and let winds take us; without letting the ground fall away from beneath us. Time may feel like it’s breathlessly passing us by, but it can equally feel exhilarating. Just make sure to check in with yourself and others that you’re not stepping on anyone’s toes or pushing anyone aside (including your own need for rest)!

Like all the Knights, it can also signify a forward momentum and movement, of things progressing and picking up speed in general, of new developments.

As the suit of Wands, this can relate to something creative or that lights us up, or that requires significant energy, purpose, or soul to connect with. Either way, action is required.

In the Smith Rider Waite Tarot deck, we can see a Knight in the usual Wands setting of desert, their horse rearing and ready for action, their armour ablaze. Similarly to the other Wands courts, their outfit has salamanders on it (once thought to be born in fire).

Not quite as fast as the Knight of Swords or as tempered as the Knight of Cups or Pentacles, the Knight of Wands is ready for action. There is a boldness to them.

The mountains in the background again remind us that the journey ahead may not be easy, but now at least we have moved up in rank from the Page of Wands.

Knight of Wands Upright Key Meanings

Courage, bravery, speed, momentum, movement, energy, action, fire, drive, ambition

Generally, an upright Knight of Wands is a fast, forthright card. When it shows up for us it can either be a call to ride these waves of energy (and perhaps pace ourselves in the meantime), or it can be an invitation to slow down and take a breather. We may be rushing ahead without thinking things through or go about things in a hotheaded manner.

Overall, the Knight of Wands can be both enthusiasm and over-stepping the mark. Check in with your centre of gravity or health to see if you need to slow down or harness the fire!


Astrology of the Knight of Wands

Astrologically, the Knights correspond to Fixed Signs (according to some traditions). Fixed Signs are resolute, steadfast, and determined. They are the ones that fall in the middle of seasons, reliable and predictable (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). Fixed Signs have strong drive and perseverance, but can be rigid and unmoving.

The Wands suit corresponds to Fire Signs, those whose passions burn hot and bright, both instinctive and impulsive.

As Fixed Fire, this is Leo, the monarch of the Zodiac. Archetypal Leo- ruled by the shining Sun, centre of our solar system- has the capacity to take up space and lead, to be visible and spread its warmth. Likewise, the Knight of Wands is sure of their capacity to action.

The Knights are also said to correspond to the element of Air, thus this Knight is Air of Fire, scorching dry, it reminds of the heat near fire, not the fire itself but the air surrounding it. This can has the capacity to both constructive or destructive. It can even allow us to reach lofty new heights, hot air rises after all (like a hot air balloon reaching for the clouds).

Numerology of the Knight of Wands

Numerologically, the Knights can correspond to the number 12, which would connect it with the Major Arcana Hanged One (and Empress in turn), however the courts are not usually associated with numbers.

As a thought experiment, the Knight of Wands being connected to the Hanged One is highly interesting though because at first glance they would appear diametrically opposite. Connected to watery Neptune, the nebulous Planet, the Hanged One is liminal and suspended. By contrast, the Knight of Wands is forthright and pioneering.

However, it makes me think that sometimes when we’re “busying” ourselves, rushing ahead and falling over ourselves to get to something or get it finished: we might actually be going around in circles. The Knight of Wands comes with a warning to take a breath and gather our bearings, the Hanged One is everywhere and nowhere. In this numerological connection we can see that perhaps running headlong into something may lead us back to square one (or somewhere else entirely).

In the Thoth Tarot, the Knights are called Princes, following on from the Princesses (Pages). This hierarchy puts them on the same page (ahem), reminding us that perhaps we do still have some things to learn before we can move on to become reigning sovereign.

How to Read Court Cards

Generally, the courts are said to either represent a person, situation, or facet of self. This can be someone who is influencing the question at hand, the general energy of the current circumstances, or an inner archetype you are invited to call upon (or be mindful of).

As a person, the Knight of Wands could be someone with a youthful, fiery energy that is bold, courageous, and perhaps overbearing, brash, impulsive, impatient, or impetuous. They may be overly confident, domineering, or scattered.

As a situation, the Knight of Wands can similarly represent a fast-paced scenario, one in which we are invited to hold our socks up! Things may feel like they are moving at lightning speed or there may simply be a lot of energy and emotions up in the air.

As a facet of self, I see this as an invitation to harness our zest for life, to gather up our reserves of strength, and ride the waves of energy. On the other hand, sometimes the Knight of Wands shows up for us when we need to slow down, take a breath, and come back to present; to feel our feet beneath us and get grounded. You will know which one.

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Reversed Knight of Wands

If you choose to read reversals, a Knight of Wands reversed suggests even more strongly the need to slow down and check in you (or others) are not bulldozing over people (including yourself).

Knight of Wands in a Relationship Reading

In your love life, the Knight of Wands can represent things developing quickly, heightened energy, and perhaps even the potential for arguments. If it represents the other person, them may be excitable but imposing or draining.

Knight of Wands in a Career Reading

In a career reading, the Knight of Wands can be a message to take brave, bold action! To charge full speed ahead and grab life by the reigns! It can indicate things progressing quickly or a period of heightened busyness, either way harness this power but don’t burn the candle at both ends!


So those are some Knight of Wands Tarot card meanings, I hope they’re insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

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