What to Expect out of an Astrological Consultation


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What to Expect out of an Astrological Consultation

When getting our first Astrology consultation we may be nervous and/or excited about what potential information we will be given. Here is a brief overview out of what you can expect from one!


What to Know About an Astrology Session

An Astrological consultation can be a wonderfully illuminating, validating, supportive, and empowering experience. It can bring us deep compassion for ourselves in seeing why certain things may be the way they are, in this it can also give us great self-acceptance and awareness. We may feel a sense of compassion for our experiences, character, needs, desires, and areas of challenge and growth. It can also be eye-opening, leading to many a-ha! moments where we hadn’t previously connected the dots.

Ultimately, this time is all about you! You are welcome to guide the session in the way you desire and so that you can get the most out of it. A good Astrology session will leave you feeling aligned, cosmically held, clearer on your path, secure, and grounded.

What to Expect out of an Astrological Consultation

It can show us what we can do to fully support ourselves and harness our potentials, as well as any less constructive mechanisms we may want to try and minimise.

What it can’t do is give you a finite answer that fits into a deterministic box. We are constantly mutating and evolving. When seeking answers to questions such as “what is my purpose?”, Astrology will not tell you that you are meant to be incarnate on this Planet to be a chef and nothing else for the rest of your life. It works in archetypes, themes, and along a spectrum. It can show you that you may thrive in a creative environment with plenty of networking, change, and dynamism. Or you may need something that goes into the depths and allows you to work for long periods of time alone in. It can suggest fields such as psychology or design, but even these are not fixed.

Our Natal Charts are static and stay with us for life, thus it is the same when you are 1-year old to when you are 100 (with ways to “progress” it for added nuance but the fundamental Natal Chart is always the same). Thus, by its very nature it must be mutable and flexible.

Within this, it is important to remember with any type of consultation (including Tarot or other), that it is all viewed through the lens of the practitioner and open to interpretation. Thus, you are ALWAYS free to take what works and leave what doesn’t.

How to Prepare for an Astrology Session

1. Have a focus or specific questions in mind - While not strictly necessary, as Astrology and your birth chart are so incredibly broad it can be useful to narrow down your focus to a specific area, such as “what do I need to know about my relationships style?”, or “what type of career is suited to me?”. If there is anything you have been struggling with recently, such as perfectionism or anxiety, it can also be useful to note those beforehand so they can be addressed in you Chart.

2. Be aware of the the scope of your Astrologer - It is important to bear in mind that it is not possible to implement every single technique in one session, nor will every Astrologer be an expert in all of them. Generally, each one will have a handful that they specialise in- decide what lineages, practices, and techniques you are interested in beforehand and book your session accordingly. You can learn more in a great Astrology Podcast episode here.

3. Release pre-conceived notions - If you have had a reading with another Astrologer before, or even if you haven’t, it is useful to leave any expectations of what your reading will look like at the door and allow it to unfold organically. Often I have thought a reading may focus on one path but as we begin talking it naturally evolves down another- whatever comes up in the session is the message you are supposed to hear in that moment.


4. Don’t expect every question you’ve ever had about life to be answered - If you’re feeling lost on your path, an Astrology session can absolutely provide guidance and illumination, but it won’t be able to give you a lifetime of answers and wisdom- for that you must live a lifetime! Likewise for forecasting, Astrology works in themes, cycles, and patterns. With this we can prepare but we can never know the future in absolute detail.

5. Do your research before you book - It is important when connecting with someone in this way that you feel aligned in some way, do they have similar values and outlooks on life to you? How do you feel in your body when you peruse their website or Instagram page? If the way their messaging comes across doesn’t resonate with you, it doesn’t matter how many insights they give you- they likely won’t stick! Similarly, very sensitive and personal topics may come up in a consultation, it is absolutely essential that you trust someone will deliver the information in a respectful, empowering, and non-victimising way. For this reason, full confidentiality listed somewhere is also recommended.

6. Let the Astrologer know your existing knowledge - Are you a complete beginner or have you already delved into Astrology? Perhaps you are also a professional Astrologer, it can be useful to share all this information beforehand or during the session so that they can tailor their language and the depth of information given. The level of knowledge possible in Astrology can sometimes be overwhelming or intimidating, on the other hand it can also be less useful to cover basics you are already aware of!

Having said that, even if you have had another reading or done your own study, it can still be nice to hear how someone else interprets the language of your Chart because all Astrologers speak with different accents :)

7. Be prepared for the reading itself - On a practical level, if you are having a live session, it is important to make sure that you prepare yourself with a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and arrive 5 minutes before you are due to start so you can check your laptop is charged and headphones are working. Have a drink nearby- Astrology consultations often last 1-2hrs- as well as a pen and paper if you wish.

8. Integrate the messages after - What happens after the session can be just as important as the session itself. There’s no point having all this valuable information if you don’t work with it! I suggest journalling on your experience and then remaining open to any signs and synchronicities over the coming days for final flashes of insight. Then, after some time has passed and whenever you feel called to it, you can return to your reading (whether it was written or recorded live) and see what new messages come forward for you now.


My personal philosophy

First and foremost, all of my readings are given with the intent to EMPOWER. Nothing is inherently written in stone, we all hold free will, and every Astrological placement exists on a spectrum- it is up to us how we choose to harness it (or not). There are no inherently “good” or “bad” placements, simply a reflection of what is.

Secondly, I am a Traditional Astrologer. This means that my practice is rooted in ancient principles and techniques. Of course, this is all necessarily viewed through a modern lens of the times in which we currently live in.

Finally, the purpose of anything I do (both professionally and in my own life) must be met with grounded, practical, and tangible results. Whilst I can be very spiritual and ethereal (hello, Pisces Lot of Fortune and 12th House Scorpio stellium), I also want things to be concrete and based in reality (hello, Capricorn stellium).

This means that while I will freely swim in the “cosmic waters”, I also want that to be translated into plain English and actual steps I can implement- tested and confirmed whether it actually resonates or not for me. You can read more of what that looks like on my consultations page here.

I don’t personally deal with concepts of past-life Astrology or Karma because those are not my lineages and I want to focus on the here and now. I am also not overly New Age spiritual in the sense of resonating with phrases such as “starseed” or “Divine Feminine”, I believe we are simply human people in this present moment and my consultations reflect that.

Questions I seek to answer for you beyond what your strengths and potential challenges reflected in your Natal Chart are, are how can you support yourself in life, find greater self-awareness, acceptance, compassion, validation, and ultimately, agency. Nothing is occurring to us, we are co-creating.

If we have a live session together, it is a free-flowing conversation in which you are welcome to share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. As mentioned, placements exist on a spectrum, and ultimately it is YOU who is the expert on your own life. I often say an Astrology session is an act of re-remembering and coming back home to the self.

I come to each reading with an immense amount of respect and reverence, I consider it a delicate yet powerful and sacred offering, thus I approach it with great sensitivity and do not take the responsibility lightly.

If all of this feels aligned for you, I would be honoured to be of service to you in your Astro journeying. You can also read more about us in general here, or me specifically here, as well as some FAQs.


So that’s what you can expect out of an Astrological consultation and how to prepare for one, including a little bit about my own personal philosophy, I hope it’s insightful for you! Let me know in the comments section below if you have anything else to add or any questions.

For more personalised Astrology readings, book in a 1:1 Year Ahead session with me. To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, enrol in my Traditional Astrology 101 course! Or for a small taster, get my Beginner’s Astrology Guidebook.

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