What Are The Human Design Types?


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What Are The Human Design Types?

Almost everyone wants to analyze and categorize their personalities based on popular indicators such as Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Astrology, etc. Human design is a complex but detailed system which helps to decipher another layer of personality type.

Human Design is an amalgamation of the Chinese I'Ching, the Hindu Chakra System, Western & Eastern Astrology, and the Jewish Kabbalah.

The chart is known as the Body Graph, which explains the flow of life force energy within your body. The Human Design System helps in understanding our inherent nature. At first glance, the chart will look highly complex, consisting of shapes, colours, and numbers, resembling the top half of a human body. The shapes are related to the chakras (crown, sacral, and root), and there are different lines and gates that each connect to a chakra. 

Human Design can be overwhelming for those who have recently discovered it, if you are interested in learning more about it, keep on reading:


History of Human Design:

Ra Uru Hu is the founder of Human Design Systems, born in Canada in 1948. In 1989, he was followed by a “voice”, something he had never experienced before. The voice encounter lasted for eight days, and following the information given he published the book “Rave I’Ching”. This book is the foundation to unlocking the code of Human Design. 

The intent of Human Design:

Strategy and Authority are the primary tools of Human Design. We live in a highly-complex environment. Our brains are full of information and how we process that information can be both interesting or overwhelming. When we wake up in the morning, our body releases energy, which we can use constructively or less so. This is our Authority.

Types Of Energy:

There are five types of energy; Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each energy type comes with a specific description known as strategy. Furthermore, the strategy gives a signature, a direction whether the person is living accordingly. Lastly, energy types come with a specific feeling (not-self theme).


Strategy is to inform, the signature is peace, and the non-self-theme is anger. 

Manifestors are a handful of around 8% of the population. They are more communicative; before they take a step, they will make sure that they are informing others. Manifestors fly quickly with things, but they don’t finish their tasks. If you are a manifestor, you will hate it if someone takes charge of your life. A Manifestor cannot stand anyone else controlling or dictating them. Even more so, they like to design their boundaries. They value their independence; hence, they take a quick flight. 

Manifestors are influential personalities; they initiate peace. They need their own space, and so, if you are Manifestor: be transparent with your partner. Manifestors like to lead and not follow; they do not seek validation. If you are Manifestor, you can bring peace to your mind with your strong communication. Remember, you can bring a lot to the table; do not let your energy take control. 


Strategy is to respond, the signature is satisfaction, and the non-self-theme is frustration.

Who are the hustlers of the world? Generators! Excited individuals; having a regular energy cycle, drained till bedtime. Generators glow differently when they are excited. You can see a different vibe on their face when they are into something new. Generators cover around 37% of the population. Generators are always in people-pleasing mode, and they tend to get frustrated when they cannot carry out activities. However, satisfaction is important for generators; and not having positive satisfaction leads to frustration. 

If you are a generator, you need to not overboard yourself with work. Go to bed if you are exhausted. Save your energy for productive activities; rather than responding to unimportant stuff. 

Manifesting Generator:

The strategy is to respond and then inform, the signature is satisfaction, and the non-self-theme is frustration/anger.

Manifesting Generator; a combination of Manifestor and Generator. They are around 33% of the overall population. They are multi-tasking kings/queens; no one can multi-task better than a Manigem. However, they are often frustrated when they cannot reciprocate the same energy. Hence, if you are a Manifesting Generator, you must remember that every day is different. Not to mention Manifesting Generators; first, respond to an opportunity and proceed with the announcement (an informing trait of a Manifestor).

A Manifesting Generator cannot work with a third-party setting. No matter how good the overall setup is, they will not feel content with their work. 



The strategy is to wait for the invitation, the signature is success, and the non-self-theme is bitterness.

Projectors are valuable individuals. They know how to gain respect and attention. They will wait for proper recognition, attention, and invitation. Without a proper invite, a projector will not show face. They want to be appreciated, seen, and complimented. Projectors make up about 20% of the population. If a projector focuses a lot on a certain person, and the other person does not recognise their efforts, this can lead to bitterness. 

Projectors derive energy from other people. They do not have their own energy and often rely on other people. They are not extroverts, but they want someone to be around them.


The strategy is to wait for a lunar cycle, the signature is surprising, and the non-self-theme is a disappointment. 

Reflectors are in the minority and rarer than the other four types; they represent around 2% of the population. If you have an exploring nature and are open to all of your centres, you are a reflector. Reflectors are open to opportunities, and they can read the environment.

But, reflectors get exhausted and disappointed quickly, they need time. Not to mention, the energy levels of a reflector are low and change on a day-to-day basis. They are patient as they are invited to wait for the moon cycle to make important life decisions. 


Authority, we all know, is related to how we go about making decisions. However, on our chart, the energy can either be filled, defined, or focused. Everyone has a gut feeling or what we call “intuition,” but we all react to it differently. 

Emotional Authority:

In emotional Authority, decisions are made on the situation and emotions. If they are sad and the opportunity laying on the table is highly beneficial, they will straight away say, NO!

Sacral Authority:

At times you know whether something is right for you or not. Such a feeling comes under Sacral Authority. Such individuals wait for the right response and focus their energy only on supportive decisions. 

Splenic Authority:

Splenic Authority is opposite to Emotional Authority. No matter what, even if they are sad and the opportunity is on-point, they will instantly decide yes. 

Ego Authority:

Heart, desires, willpower—do what your heart says. This might come under selfishness, but an ego authoritative person will listen to the feelings of the heart. 

G Center Authority:

Clarity is a major issue for people possessing G Center Authority. They need to talk to people before taking a step. Even if it is about switching jobs, changing houses, relationship issues, such people want clarity from other people. 

Mental Authority:

Mental Authority is more like observing what the world is doing. Such people will take note of what other people are doing. If needed, they will even take suggestions from other people to make the right decision. 

No Inner Authority:

Remember Reflectors? No Inner Authority individuals also wait for a lunar cycle to be completed before deciding. 

Strategy and Authority go hand in hand. Human Design is specific to your Authority and Strategy. If you start understanding your Strategy and Authority, you can begin to feel more content about your workplace, relationship, family, etc. 

How To Read Your Human Design Chart

You need to know a few things before starting to read your human design chart. The first is that the human design system is based on the I Ching, or the Book of Changes. This ancient Chinese text is a guide for understanding how the world works, and it's also thought to be a predictor of future events.

A Human Design chart is a map of your individual human design, and it provides valuable information about who you are, what you are here to do, and how you can best achieve your goals.
To understand your Human Design chart, it is first important to know the three key components:

The Nine Centers:

The Centers are the foundation of the Body Graph and represent the nine areas of life experience: survival, emotion, sexuality, self-expression, mental, power, love/marriage, creativity, and death/rebirth. Each Center has its unique energy and purpose.

The Gates:

The Gates are the pathways that connect the Centers. There are 64 Gates in total, and each one has a specific energy and meaning.

The Channels:

The Channels are the lines that connect the Gates. There are 36 Channels in total, and each one represents a different aspect of the human experience.

Now that you know the three key components of the Body Graph, you can begin to interpret your own chart. To do this, start by looking at the Centers. Each Center will be either defined or undefined. A defined Center means that the energy of that Center is fully activated in your life, such as a defined sacral center or undefined sacral center. An undefined Center means that the energy of that Center is not as active.

The next step is to look at the Gates. The Gates will be either open or closed. An open Gate means that the energy of that Gate is fully available to you. A closed Gate means that the energy of that Gate is not as available.

Finally, look at the Channels. The Channels will be either active or inactive. An active Channel means that the energy of that Channel is flowing freely. An inactive channel means that the energy of that Channel is not as available.

By interpreting the Centers, Gates, and Channels, you can begin to understand the unique energies and gifts available to you. With this knowledge, you can start to make choices that align with your true nature, and you can start to create a rich, fulfilling, and meaningful life.

How Astrology Fits In Human Design

Human Design is all about understanding the unique way that each individual is designed to live and interact with the world. When you combine this knowledge with Astrology insights, you can get a much deeper understanding of yourself and others (both are based on your birth date, time, and location).


Practicing Human Design:

Understanding your Body Graph and other areas of Human Design will help you lead a better, more productive, and happier life. If you think you are a projector of Mental Authority, you will build your life keeping the strategy in mind. Take Human Design as an experiment, and learn more about yourself!

If you would personally like me to interpret your Natal Chart for you, book in a 1:1 session with me! To uncover the secrets of the cosmos yourself, get my Astrology 101 course!

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This is a guest post article written by Naim from shamansisters.com